
Project Management Unit Manager - Frankfurt Zoological Society, Jambi

Project Management Unit Manager

Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape Conservation Programme (BLCP)

Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS)
Frankfurt Zoological Society’s goal is to work with and for people to secure biodiversity in key ecosystems worldwide. FZS runs a long-term conservation programme in Jambi’s Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape (Sumatra) 

BLCP is a 5-year project starting in 2014 to establish an ecosystem restoration concession (ERC) with the goal to protect natural forest coverage in order to secure high levels of biodiversity and the integrity of the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem including livelihoods of indigenous tribes. The programme will manage former forest concessions in close co-operation with local communities. Sustainable agro-forestry will be promoted to reduce ongoing deforestation and as a means of re-forestation and forest restoration. Local communities and their livelihood will be in the center of all BLCP activities. The programme is executed in co-operation with WWF Indonesia and supported by the German Government and KfW Development Bank. For more information on the Society and our projects, please visit our website at www.fzs.org

Job Summary:
The successfull candidate will be an experienced conservation manager with proven record of strong managerial and communication skills.

The Project Management Unit Manager will report directly to the FZS Indonesia Programme Director. S/he will closely co-ordinate with other programme managers. 
Location: BLCP field office, Jambi province, Sumatra

• Works closely with national, provincial, district, village governmental and non-governmental organizations and communities
• Ensures close and coherent cooperation and coordination with the partners of the project, shareholders and stakeholders and the ‘sister PMU’ of the project and with the Technical Assistance Consulant (TAC).
• Ensures the implementation of the project’s operational plan, overseeing the overall expected outputs and the general outcomes of the project implementation under consideration of KfW operational procedures, in particular
o Knowledge management and networking
o Contributing to capacity development processes within the framework of ERC related activities
• Managing the related project budget
• Leading the PMU team
• Securing the multistakeholder approach
• Communicates, coordinates and cooperates constantly and harmoniously with the experts of FZS/WWF respectively Burung Indonesia 

Managerial Tasks
The PMU Manager
• Leads the PMU team and organizes the PMU
• Organizes strategic and annual planning and regular updating
• Organizes the monitoring activities of the ERC and contributes to conceptual adjustment where appropriate,
• Coordinates and prioritises ERC and project activities at provincial and district level in close cooperation with relevant partners, both with regard to the organisational preparation as well as the implementation of the activities
• Responsible for documentation and reporting
• Organizes knowledge management
• Manages the project budget according to the operational planning and in line with KfW financial agreement and regulations and procedures
• Gives advice and feedback to the PMU team
• Organizes the professional tasks of the PMU team according to the experiences and knowledge of the experts

Professional tasks
The PMU Manager
• Advises partner institution(s) on ERC objectives, opportunities and challenges, developing supportive concepts and strategies, and provides technical input
• Participates in identifying needs for additional support and advice, works on policy recommendations and develops a strategic approach
• Assists in identifying needs for capacity building, facilitates and supports the strengthening of capacities at provincial, district and village levels to implement activities conducive to ERC management
• Designs, prepares and conducts workshops, training activities, seminars, etc.
• Cooperates with national, provincial and district and village authorities to facilitate harmonization of regulations and policies between the different levels
• Develops and organises quality assurance measures and suggests necessary changes, improvements and initiatives
• Ensures that the services provided by the project are aligned with the partner’s needs
According to his/her professional background and experience, the PMU Manager assumes full technical tasks.
Networking and cooperation
• Ensures cooperation, regular contact and dialogue with the ‘sister PMU’ of the project, carries out PR work and cooperates with local communities, local authorities, non-governmental agencies and individuals in the project environment and with other projects to improve and maintain good working relationships

Knowledge management
• Compiles relevant information on the topic related to ER and ERC management and ensures knowledge transfer
• Develops ready-to-use strategies and technical concepts, including guidelines, manuals and procedures
• Draws up reports, presentations and documents
• Assists with research activities and studies on forest policy issues which benefit joint programmes.
Other duties/additional tasks
• Willingness to take residence in the ERC area
• Undertakes regular and frequent visits to selected villages and project sites to ensure that partner activities are proceeding as planned

Required qualifications, competences and experience
• Masters/MSc in an area that is related to the project objectives, with a focus on a relevant field
Professional experience
• 10 years’ professional experience, with at least 5 years’ professional experience in a comparable position
Other knowledge, additional competences
• Very good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office)
• A proven track record in a managerial position
• Very good written and oral knowledge of the English language (report language English!)
How to apply :
To apply, email a CV and covering letter by the 10 January 2014. Please put ‘Project Management Unit Manager’ in the subject line of your email. Updated CV and application letter should be sent tolitadelarosa_fzs@yahoo.co.id

In your covering letter, please describe what you see as the most important skill and personal competency that you would bring to this post. Please indicate when you would be available to start and your current salary level and expectations. 

Only short-listed applicants will be notified.

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