
SCI seeks IT Assistant, Jakarta

Save the Children is an international non-profit organization that focuses on the fulfillment of children’s right. Save the Children was first established in May 1919 in the U.K. and to date has 28 Save the Children Offices and operations in more than 120 countries worldwide. In 1976, Save the Children signed an MoU with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, followed then by the operations of Save the Children throughout Indonesia. Currently, Save the Children work in 11 provinces with a variety of program areas, such as: Education, Health and Sanitation, Livelihood, Child Protection also Disaster Risk Reduction.
SCI seeks an IT assistant to provide a physical check, configuration and repair for decommission of IT equipment in the Country Office. The assignment will be for 1 month.
If you are interested, please send your CV to recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.org by the latest 24 November 2013, please put the code in the subject of your e-mail : <ITA> <applicant's name>

Thank you for your attention.

best regards,
Human Resource Team - Save the Children International

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse

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