
SCI is seeking a Consultant for Baseline Survey Special 4 Program, Malaka District, NTT

Save the Children International is seeking a consultant with the TOR below:

Baseline Survey Special 4 Program

Location: Malaka District, NTT
 Period: October 2013
  • 15 ECE centers
  • 15 Primary school
Participants: Children, teachers, tutors, head teachers, school supervisors and parents / community

I.    Background

This baseline study is conducted at the beginning of the implementation of SPECIAL 4 program (Safe and Positive Education for Children in Indonesia wit Active Learning). This program is aiming to provide a positive learning experience in healthy and protective educational environments for early childhood education (4-6 years old) and early grade primary (7-9 years old) students from disadvantaged rural areas.

Children in poor rural areas without access to these services begin school at a disadvantage and are more likely to fail within the formal education system.  In Malaka, there are preschools and kindergarten classes either run by the district education offices as part of the basic education or privately run and/or community/church managed schools.  However, the quality of teaching and learning, especially in the remote areas is weak and children are deprived of the opportunity to accelerate their learning.  There is a lack of qualified teachers for preschool centers and little opportunity for teachers to be trained in ECD related methodologies.  There are limited educational, interactive and developmental toys and materials in many of those centers. Children could benefit much from being exposed to and manipulating educational materials that not only encourage the development of social skills but also help to develop their cognitive and motor skills as well as promote joyful learning.

Save the Children International through Malaka sub-office will start to implement education program to improve the quality of basic education in Malaka district namely Safe and Positive Education for Children in Indonesia with Active 

Learning (SPECIAL 4).  This program is designed based on the following key concepts.

Goal: Children in Malaka District, Nusa Tenggara Timor province attain their rights to high-quality and safe education and health.
Strategic Objective: To provide a positive learning experience in healthy and protective educational environments for early childhood education (4-6 years old) and early grade primary (7-9 years old) students from disadvantaged rural areas.
Intermediate Result
Main Activities
IR#1- Improved access to well-equipped, protective learning environments for early childhood education (ECE) and primary school students

·     Assessments of education and health environments among the 15 participating ECE centers and 15 primary schools
·     Rehabilitation of 15 community-run ECE centers
·     Provision of school furniture and indoor learning equipment for 15 ECE centers
·     Provision of targeted learning and health materials and supplies all 30 educational facilities
·     Targeted improvements to water and sanitation infrastructure for all 30 educational facilities (20 in year one, 10 in year two)
·     Provision of outdoor learning equipment to 15 ECE centers (year two)
IR#2- Improved quality instruction and services in participating ECE centers and primary schools

·     Training on effective and active school management for school principals and school supervisors
·     Training of Trainers (TOT) for Master Trainers on ECE curriculum development and use of age-appropriate lesson plans- ECE only
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on ECE curriculum development and use of age-appropriate lesson plans
·     TOT for Master Trainers on thematic learning- primary only
·     Primary school teacher replication training on thematic learning
·     TOT for Master Trainers on active learning- ECE and primary
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on active learning
·     TOT for Master Trainers on positive discipline- ECE and primary
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on positive discipline
·     TOT for Master Trainers on classroom management- ECE and primary
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on classroom management
·     Workshops for lead teachers/tutors on basic child health and promoting a healthy learning environment- ECE and primary
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on child health and healthy environments
·     TOT for Master Trainers on learning materials creation- ECE and primary (year two)
·     Replication training on learning materials creation (year two)
·     Apprenticeship for 10 primary school teachers and 15 ECE teachers/tutors (year two)
·     Mini workshops as a way to “cascade and scale-up”  training of teachers within their own and neighboring schools (year two)
·     TOT for Master Trainers on pre-literacy (ECE) and literacy (primary school) promotion (year two)
·     Teacher/tutor replication training on pre-literacy and literacy
IR#3- Improved community involvement in supporting high-quality, protective ECE centre and primary school learning environments
·     Initial parents meetings to present the project and highlight the importance of ECE
·     Regular community-based parents meetings on topics such as child development, health and hygiene promotion, and positive discipline
·     Support for a management committee to plan and implement activities to support each ECE center and primary school
·     Child/school led public awareness (advocacy) activities promoting protective school environments and child health (year two)
·     Child/school led health and hygiene promotion event (year two)
Key Indicators
·    Number of preschools improved: child friendly school, healthy and safe environment for children to have quality education including learning tools and materials.
·    Child attendance rate in preschool: Children’s attendance will increase if classes are relevant, interesting and positively managed behavior
·    Children in Grades 1 - 3 graduation rates: Children’s drop-out rates are expected to decrease
·     Number of children enrolled in Grades 1-3: Disaggregated data that being collected during the baseline for present enrolment at school level and at the start of each semester.
·     Number of parents and volunteers involved in teaching learning process in preschool and grade 1 – 3.
·  Percent of teachers applying effective teaching practices. Regular monitoring of how teachers apply the new methods in their classroom will be done through the use of observation tools.
·    Number of village initiatives to establish village commitment to support qualitative learning continuation for children from home – preschool –primary school (grade 1-3).
·     Number of preschool and grade 1 – 3 School that supported by master trainers and visited by school supervisors.

This study will be held in the 30 target schools (15 ECE centers and 15 primary schools) and the target of baseline are represented form students / children, teachers, tutors, school supervisors, head teachers, DEO (district education officers), health department staffs, parents and community.

II.    Objective

·         To collect the baseline data to SPECIAL 4 program intervention.

III.    Deliverables

1)    Final instrument for the baseline survey and tracking sheet for entry of baseline data;

2)     Field manuals for enumerators;

3)    A detailed report on the sampling - including specifics on the design, methodology, and sample size calculations;

4)    Field implementation plan with protocols for enumerators and supervisors;

5)    Data entry and analysis plan;

6)    Training of the required number of enumerators, supervisors and data entry staff;

7)    Two printed and electronic copies (on 2 CDs/DVDs) of the final report in Indonesian and English, to include:

            i.     Summary

          ii.     Background

         iii.     Objectives

         iv.     Results presented in narrative and tables, using descriptive and statistics

           v.     Recommendations

IV.    Target Participants  

The target will be taken from these 30 schools target below:

List of School
Geographical Sub-District
Sub-District of Education Department Covering
PAUD Bunda Nataraen
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
SDK Nataraen
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
PAUD Kasih Ibu 3
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
SDI Nailera
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
PAUD Maria Helena
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
SDI Tabene
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
TK Sasitamean
Malaka Tengah
SDK Kaputu
Malaka Tengah
PAUD Tunas Harapan
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
SDI Manumuti
Malaka Tengah
Malaka Tengah
PAUD Beringin Jaya
Malaka Timur
SDK Welaus
Malaka Timur
PAUD Lontar Muda
Malaka Timur
SDK Kada
Malaka Timur
PAUD Bintang Alas
Malaka Timur
SDK Lalebun
Malaka Timur
PAUD Kamboja
Malaka Timur
SDI Seli
Malaka Timur
TK St Sisilia
Malaka Timur
SDK Wemasa
Malaka Timur
PAUD Jadi Kasih
Malaka Barat
SDK Wederok
Malaka Barat
PAUD Maria Yashinta
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat
SDI Kaberanrai
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat
PAUD Kasih Ibu 5
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat
SDK Maroerai
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat
PAUD St. Andreas Jansen
Malaka Barat
SDK Umatoosfauk
Malaka Barat
PAUD Taman Firdaus
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat
SDK Wetulun
Malaka Barat
Malaka Barat

IV.        Consultant Responsibilies

The consultant shall carry out the following activities:

 Activity 1 – Design and field test of the base line survey instrument:

  • Review key documents, logic model, project proposal, monitoring and evaluation plan and instrument;
  • Consult with local partners and Save the Children/Staff on survey plans;
  • Prepare of preliminary and final survey drafts for translation, field testing and adjustments
  • Consult with Save the Children staff on survey modifications prior to and following field testing.
Activity 2a – Sampling:

  • Design sampling methodology, calculate sample size;
  • Conduct sampling;
  • Include the above in the final report to Save the Children.

  Activity 2b – Plan, design and implement training of enumerators and supervisors:

  • Recruit a sufficient number of enumerators;
  • Prepare training plan and field work protocols according to agreed methodologies;

  • Create a survey manual for enumerators and supervisors, which includes step-by-step instructions on data collection and guidance on handling problems and questions arising during data collection;
  • Train enumerators;
  • Create a data entry, cleaning, and analysis plan;
  • Discuss with local partners and Save the Children/Staff.
Activity 3 – Implement and supervise field data collection, data input and cleaning:

  • Coordinate with local partners and Save the Children/Staff;
  • Prepare materials and equipment;
  • Notify partners and communities;
  • Deploy enumerators to the field;
  • Process data: primary processing, file cleaning, file comparisons and validation, tabulations.

 Activity 4 –Analyze and synthesize data; report preparation and tracking programme indicators:

  • Prepare initial results in output tables;
  • Discuss initial results with local partners and Save the Children/Staff;
  • Analyze and synthesis data;
  • Revise impact indicators and discussion;
  • Prepare reports in both Indonesian and English.

 Activity 5 – Conduct final presentation.

  • Coordinate a final presentation for local staff and Save The Children/Staff in both Indonesian and English;
  • Deliver final report, documents, files, and other materials.

Time Line

The consultancy is expected to start on 23 October 2013 and be completed by 22 November 2013.


Eastern NTT Manager will be the contract manager and contact person for the Baseline Study.

Selection Criteria of Consultant

Core Competencies

  • People Skills: Ability to work independently and as a team player who demonstrates leadership.
  • Communication Skills: Well developed written and oral communication skills. Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Integrity: Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to Save the Children core values and humanitarian principles.
  • Resilience/Adaptability and flexibility: Ability to operate effectively under extreme circumstances including stress and harsh living conditions. Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable and resilient manner.
  • Awareness and sensitivity of self and others: Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to gender and diversity. Have experience and the ability to live and work in diverse cultural contexts in a culturally appropriate manner.
  • Work style: Is well planned and organized even within a fluid working environment and has a capacity for initiative and decision making with competent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge and skills: Knowledge of current best practice in participatory assessment, design monitoring and evaluation. Can use all relevant computer technology
  • Have experiences, preferably within Save the Children working area.

Technical Competencies

  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting assessment, monitoring and evaluation
  • Comfortable interacting with all segments of the affected population
  • Ability to interact clearly and effectively with government and non-governmental partners and other organizations
  • Ability to write a comprehensible report that could be used as a lesson learnt to move forward and performs better for the communities.

1.    Proposal Requirements

  1. Language

All documents related to this tender shall be in English and all costs shall be expressed in IDR.

  1. Format
    Proposals may be submitted electronically. All pieces to the proposal must be labelled clearly. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF. The applicant may fax the signed cover page.
  2. Page Setup

The document should be on A4, single-spaced with one-inch margins, and 12-point font with times new roman

  1. Length
    The proposal should not exceed 20 pages. The technical section may not exceed 10 pages. The suggested breakdown is as follows: cover page (1pg.); organizational profile, institutional capacity (4pgs.); Technical Section (10pgs.); and, Cost Narrative (5pgs.).
  2. There is no limit on the length of spreadsheets associated with the cost estimates or on any annexes.
  3. Annex Material
  4. Appropriate annex material may include: Curriculum Vitae of key personnel, organizational profile (or other supplemental material to the information in the body of the proposal), copies of reports, and letters of support.

2.    Proposal Contents Applicants should address the following areas in their proposals:

  1. Institutional Capacity
  2. Applicants must present in narrative format a description of their: (i) company profile (supplemental material may be placed in the annex); (ii) organizational capacity to conduct the scope of work; (iii) previous experience conducting similar work; (iv) training capacity; and (v) letters of support (attached in the annex).
  3. Technical Proposal
  4. In the technical section, applicants should describe their approach to the following: (i) questionnaire design and implementation; (ii) sample size calculations and sampling design; (iii)  enumerator and supervisor training; (iv) fieldwork; (v) data processing; and (vi) data analysis.

3.    Cost estimates

Applicants must provide a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind their estimates:

a)    Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry and analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors and drivers).

b)    Daily costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas (breakdown items)

c)    Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.

d)    Communications  (e.g. telephone, fax)

e)    Supplies. Includes paper, pens, and other materials for fieldwork.

f)     Training costs.

4.    Evaluation

a)    Review Team
A Save the Children International-Indonesia team will review and evaluate proposals received on their technical merit and cost estimates.

b)    Review Criteria

Save the Children will evaluate proposals based on the following general criteria: institutional capacity/institutional credentials; technical proposal ; comprehensiveness – demonstrating a complete understanding of the SOW and all aspects of the technical design ; and cost estimates ; – assessing cost estimates against the implementation plan.

5.       Terms and Conditions of Solicitation

Period of Validity

The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation

Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change.


All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Save the Children will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except where noted otherwise.

Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Save the Children shall notify in writing the successful company that submitted the highest-scoring proposal and will invite them for contract negotiations. Save the Children reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations.

Right to Final Negotiations

Save The Children reserves the option to negotiate final costs and final scope of work, as well as reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Save the Children’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.  Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Save the Children has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next best-rated company for negotiations.

All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in proposal disqualification.

Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Save the Children reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions


Consulting firm must submit proposal to us by Monday, 21 October 2013, to below address:

Save the Children International

Attn. Procurement Committee

Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26 C

Ragunan – Pasar minggu

Jakarta Selatan 12550

Phone: 021-781 2336, Fax: 021-781 2325



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