
Request for EOI External Auditor - Tifa Foundation, Jakarta

Tifa Foundation is accepting Expression of Interest (EOI) to provide audit services for closing project with fiscal year ending 31 October 2013. We invite your firm to submit an Expression of Interest to us by October 8th, 2013 for consideration. A description of the organization, the services needed, and other pertinent information follows:

Tifa Foundation is a grant-making organization that strives to build an open society by actively strengthening civil society in Indonesia. Since 2012, Tifa is dedicated to advance quality democracy in Indonesia. Tifa Foundation’s vision is a society in which citizens, businesses and the government promote good governance, nurture solidarity and support individual rights, particularly the rights and views of women, minorities, and other disadvantaged groups. It was established as a non-profit organization on December 8, 2000 based on Notarial Deed No. 17 of Public Notary Siti Pertiwi Henny Singgih, SH.

On April 29, 2010, Tifa, which based at Jalan Jaya Mandala II no.14E, Menteng Dalam, Jakarta has signed a contract with World Bank and was awarded a grant for a project named Empowering Women Overseas Migrant Workers amounting USD 1,563,770 for the period April 2010 to April 2012, which amended up to October 2013. The project is implemented in Indramayu (West Java), Cilacap (Central Java) and Banyuwangi (East Java). 

Based on contract for Grant No: TF 091169, World Bank has agreed to fund the project of “Empowering Women Overseas Migrant Workers Project” which has objectives as follow:
  • Part 1:    Institutional strengthening for community – based organizations. 
  • Part 2:    Opening access to financial services for women migrant workers and families.
  • Part 3:    Development of resource centers for migrant workers.
  • Part 4:    Development of dialogues and public campaigns on safe migration and migrant workers’ reintegration among stakeholders, including                             CBOs, placement agencies, and local governments.
  • Part 5:    Monitoring and evaluation.
Due to contract period will be closed at end of October 2013, Migrant Workers Project is subject to annual audits, as detailed in the World Bank Disbursement guidelines. As an institution that really upholds the Transparency and Accountability in the financial management, Tifa Foundation will conduct closing Financial Audit of Empowering Women Overseas Migrant Workers Project funds from the World Bank.

To make sure that the audit will:
  • Migrant Workers Program Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards generally accepted in this case is PSAK No. 45     about the Foundation.
  • Migrant Workers Program Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with the format of Agreement between the World Bank and Tifa Foundation. 
  • The financial Report has been given the reasonable and correct to the financial position at the end of fiscal year.
  • To evaluate the compliance of laws, regulations, and financial agreement between the World Bank as a Donor and Tifa Foundation as fund recipient who have financial control on Migrant Workers Program Financial Report.  
  • Perform an audit in accordance with the terms of the details of the audit program covering the scope of the project estimates to support the opinion given.
  • Collect evidence and prepare working papers to support the opinion examination plus an adequate audit evidence to ensure that all material information is in the data supporting of financial reports / financial statements
  • Get the design and the operation of internal control that includes a general policy, plans and procedures sufficient to plan the audit to support the control of the Migrant Workers program funds from the World Bank
  • Reviewing and evaluating internal control systems in Tifa Foundation that relate with Migrant Workers program funds from the World Bank
  • Consider the risk of error in stating claims resulting from fraud or error. Audit program should include procedures designed to provide adequate assurance that errors can be detected in the report (if any such errors)
  • Conduct a thorough examination of the allocation of funds to each Sub-Grant. In this case the overall examination is recording the Sub Grant financial report for all files and proof transactions.
  • Collect evidence and prepare examination working papers to the sub-grant to support the audit opinion that the evidence is sufficient to ensure that all material information are in the data supporting of financial statements.
This audit visit will be conducted to cover only period 1 January – 31 October 2013, because the previous periods (2010 – 2012) were already audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Audit report contain as follow bellow: 
  • Auditor opinion on the fairness of the financial report. 
  • Financial Report standardization PSAK 45 which consist of:
    • Financial Position Report
    • Cash Flow Report 
    • Activity Report 
    • Record of Financial Report
  • Migrant Workers Program report consists of :
    • Receive and Expenditure accumulative Report 
    • Expenditure accumulative Report 
    • Receive accumulative
    • Procurement Plan
    • Withdrawal Reconciliation received Fund report and Expense.
  • Management Letter 
    • Provide comments and observations on the accounting records, evidence, and control systems that have examined the time of the audit 
    • Provide comments on management estimates 
    • Provide comments on the accuracy and fairness of expenditure in accordance with the agreement 
    • Report on the level of compliance with each financial covenant in the agreement and give comments, if there are internal and external issues that affect compliance 
    • Report on the relevant issues.
Request for additional information, please visit our site or appointment with Finance Director (Ezra Kaban) or Finance and Admin Officer (Sendang Rukmi) at (021) 8316758.

As previously mentioned, if you choose to respond to this request, please do so by October 7th, 2013 and send it to:

Yayasan Tifa
Kompleks ex-Timah no.10, Jalan Gatot Subroto
Jakarta Selatan, 12870
Phone: (021) 8316758
Attn: Ezra Kaban, Finance Director of Tifa Foundation
Or email to:

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