
Lowongan CDSP Human Resource Manager at HK Logistics Pty Ltd, Jakarta

HK Logistics Pty Ltd is an Australian company which currently assigned to support an AusAID program called CDSP (Capacity Development Support Program) on their activities in BNPB (Bandan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) and BPBD (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) such as trainings, workshops, seminars etc. Some consultants have already been placed in BNPB/ BPBD to lead the program implementation on several departments.

Position Required

CDSP Human Resource Manager
  • To assist the CDSP consultants on HR matters 
  • To assist CDSP Project Officer on preparing the consultants activities
October 2013 – June 2014 with possible extension

  • Maintains the work structure: updating job requirements and job descriptions for CDSP’s Consultant positions  
  • Maintains organization staff by establishing a recruiting, testing, and interviewing program; conducting and analyzing exit interviews; recommending changes.
  • Prepares Consultants for assignments by establishing and conducting orientation and training programs. 
  • Ensures planning, monitoring, and appraisal of Consultant’ work results; hearing and resolving Consultants grievances; counseling. 
  • Ensures legal compliance by monitoring and implementing applicable Manpower Regulations; conducting investigations; maintaining records 
  • Maintains management guidelines by preparing, updating, and recommending human resource policies and procedures. 
  • Maintains historical human resource records by designing a filing and retrieval system; keeping past and current records, included : leave records, attendance etc.
  • Handling conflict among stake holders based on current Indonesian Manpower regulation, AusAID rules and regulations. 
  • Monitor the deposit balance paid to HR agent (PT CMM) and make sure all salaries and benefits paid to consultants correspond to their contract signed. 
  • Support the project administrator on preparation of activities. 
  • Other task could be assigned by CDSP Project Manager in the area of the project.
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) Psychology/ Law/ Finance/ Social Science 
  • 5 Years or more of relevant experiences preferably as an HR Officer/ Manager
  • Good knowledge of Man Power Regulations
  • Honest and willing to work hard 
  • Has experiences on managing events such as trainings, seminars, workshops etc 
  • Willing to travel 
  • Ability to work independently and with team 
  • Good command of spoken and written English, fluent in Bahasa 
  • Posses knowledge and experience on Industrial Relations 
  • Good communication skill and conflict  handling
How to apply
Please send your application letter and CV to  hrhklogistics@yahoo.com by 22 October 2013

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