
Vacancy Announcement: STTA for Landscape Conservation Specialist (Consultant, Jakarta based)

Background/Work Description:

The USAID Indonesia Forestry and Climate Support (IFACS) Project is an integrated climate change, sustainable forest management, and low carbon emissions development program implemented collaboratively by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and USAID/Indonesia.

IFACS is designed to reduce deforestation rates and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions in target sites on three islands while assisting the GOI and other partners to conserve forest landscapes and wildlife (including orangutans) and maintaining ecosystem services such as water quality, soil erosion reduction, and carbon sequestration to support economic development and enhance food security. 

IFACS has facilitated Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) in 11 Project landscapes as a key vehicle to achieve improved forest management at landscape level in the areas of their development of policy, plans and programs. IFACS is building capacity of MSF members through trainings and support for their programs, including communications. IFCS has also facilitated the development of their own conservation blue-prints or landscape conservation plans (LCPs) to use a prime tool to review current spatial plans and evaluate their value to support conservation targets. 

These LCPs identify and map conservation targets and areas for focused interventions by the MSFs. They are living documents that require immediate further development, especially to better define their Focus Areas and strengthen conservation action plans for them.       
This Landscape Conservation Specialist will provide technical support and advice to assist MSFs develop further their own LCP, especially in their Focus Areas; and to utilize their LCPs to design their conservation interventions and  evaluate the conservation value of current spatial plans.
Consultant Tasks:
The consultant will work with IFACS Regional and Jakarta teams to provide technical assistance to MSF members in the development of LCP in the project focal districts. In particular to:
  • Work with the Regional Team (especially GIS/Spatial Planner and Forest & Conservation Specialist) to facilitate MSF meetings/workshops related to the constructive development of LCPs and ensure MSF ownership of their LCPs. 
  • Identify with MSFs specific field activities to advance recommendation embodied in their LCPs, especially those related to conservation of their focus areas. 
  • Providing assistance to draft SOWs for 2. above.
  • Assist supervise activities in 2. above that are directly funded by IFACS.
  • Develop strategy to strengthen capacity of MSF to continue development and implementation of their LCPs. 
  • Dec 30, 2013: Draft 2 LCP completed for 11 MSFs: Assist MSF further define Focus Areas in all 11 Project MSFs.
  • Dec30, 2013: 11 SOWs submitted  to IFACS: Assist 11 MSFs draft SOWs for direct project implementation in Focus Areas.
  • Feb 28, 2014: Action Plans completed for one Focus Areas for 11 LCPs: Action plans completed -that follow Project CMMP Guidelines -for at least one priority focus area in each LCP.
  • Mar 30, 2014: 11 Initial reviews of government spatial plans completed: Assist 11 MSFs conduct gap analysis of LCPs and District Tata Ruang.
  • Mar 30, 2014: Strategy Report to further develop LCPs completed: Plan to embody additional field data required as a priority to further define and sharpen the LCPs.
Level of Effort (LOE):
Up to 130 days LOE, spent primarily in IFACS Focal Districts. (S)he will be based in Jakarta.
Assignment will be completed between October 2013 and April 2014.
Qualifications (Minimum Requirements):
  • University degree in conservation or land management related field or geography;
  • Five years’ experience working in the conservation planning and implementation activities around Indonesia;
  • Good knowledge of conservation and development issues especially in sub national level;
  • Experience in working with local government, local NGOs and private sectors;
  • Proven ability to write technical reports and good skill of analysis.
Please submit your recent CV as of 30 September, 2013 (the latest) with subject STTA for Landscape Conservation Specialist (Consultant, Jakarta based) to: recruitment@ifacs.or.id
Tetra Tech ARD is an equal opportunity employer.

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