
Vacancy Announcement: STTA for Community - Private Sector Partnerships Specialist (Consultant, Ketapang/Katingan - Kalimantan)

Background/Work Description:
The USAID Indonesia Forestry and Climate Support (IFACS) Project is an integrated climate change, sustainable forest management, and low carbon emissions development program implemented collaboratively by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and USAID/Indonesia, building on 20 years of joint forest management effort between the Indonesian and US Governments. The project was initiated in November 2010 and will be implemented over a four year period with technical and project management assistance from Tetra Tech ARD, a US-based firm.  USAID will invest 40 million US dollars in IFACS and additional financial and technical resources are anticipated from partners including US government agencies, other donors, and the private sector.

IFACS is designed to reduce deforestation rates and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions in target sites on three islands while assisting the GOI and other partners to conserve forest landscapes and wildlife (including orangutans) and maintaining ecosystem services such as water quality, soil erosion reduction, and carbon sequestration to support economic development and enhance food security. 

An important aspect of Project activities to reduce GHG gas emissions is through working directly and with partners to improve conservation Best Management Practices in large private sector entities. This involves an emphasis on sustainable management of resources and utilization of low emission development approaches. To achieve that the Project has established a portfolio of some 15 natural resource concessions partners that are collaborating to improve the management of high conservation values in their concessions. Most of these concessions have villages or communities associated with them; they total 162 villages. 

Concessions have the capacity to provide considerable benefits to associated communities by providing work opportunities, either as concession staff or by providing support for villagers to play a role in the collaborative conservation management of a concession as guards against illegal logging or natural resource extraction, prevention and suppression of fires. 

Concessions may also provide support for villagers to develop existing or new livelihoods and facilitate improvements in value chains or markets.
Provide livelihoods development opportunities for forest-dependent communities in 15 villages adjacent to natural resource concessionaires by improving the relationship between these actors and forging a community conservation and livelihood agreement (CCLA) with concessionaires that include support for improved livelihoods.
Consultant Tasks:
1.       Select 15 villages in West and/or Central Kalimantan best suited to develop a relationship with associated concessionaires using the following criteria: preference for natural forest concessions (HPH); have a ‘conservation culture’; have good village governance structure; and have a reasonable relationship with concessionaires. (Background documents to assist this initial review are the Social Impact Assessments conducted on the partner concessions by Project consultants Re.Mark Asia and Daemeter.)
2.       Visit each of the selected villages and concessions to confirm their suitability and commitment to collaborate.
3.       Facilitate collaborative dialogue between villages and associated concessionaires.
4.       Assist draft CCLA with a working group from the community & concession.
5.       Facilitate meetings to confirm and sign CCLA .
1.       Nov 30, 2013: 15 villages target villages selected: SIAs reviewed, concession staff & IFACS field teams consulted; visits to field sited completed.           
2.       Jan 15, 2014: 15 villages select working groups to develop partnership discussions with concession staff: CCLA process socialized with villagers and concession staff separately; working group of senior villagers to discuss nature of partnerships with concession management; produce a draft CCLA to reflect conclusions of those discussions.            
3.       Sept 30, 2014: Draft of CCLAs socialized with 15 village communities: Meetings conducted in 15 villages to discuss, revise and agree to CCLAs.               
4.       Oct 30, 2014: 15 CCLAs signed: Ceremony conducted with villagers, concession and local government staff to witness signing of CCLAs.     
Level of Effort (LOE):
Up to 220 days LOE, working primarily (and be based) in Ketapang and/or Katingan Landscapes. 
Assignment will be completed between October 2013 and October 2014.
Qualifications (Minimum Requirements):
1.       University degree in social and community development  or related discipline
2.       Has experience working in the social impact assessment and has 5 years’ experience in one or more of the following: (i) Working in CSR for private sector, (ii) Social conflict resolution, (iii) Community development funded by the private sector
3.       Good knowledge of conservation and development issues especially in sub national level
4.       Experience in working with local government, local NGOs and private sectors
5.       Proven ability to write technical reports and good skill of analysis
Please submit your recent CV as of 30 September, 2013 (the latest) with subject STTA for Community - Private Sector Partnerships Specialist (Consultant, Ketapang/Katingan - Kalimantan based) to: recruitment@ifacs.or.id
Tetra Tech ARD is an equal opportunity employer.

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