
Vacancies: Short Term Specialist in TVET

We are currently searching for qualify candidates to fill the position of Short Term Consultants

New Vocational Training Programme to support the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in its efforts to improve the Indonesian system of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

A comprehensive approach, involving capacity development through Technical Cooperation (TC) and the supply and upgrading of infrastructure and equipment through Financial Cooperation (FC) is applied to jointly work towards the long-term sustainability of an employment-relevant TVET system. The overall objective is to strengthen the employ-ability of the workforce in selected provinces.
The objective of the herewith requested Consultancy thus is to assist in
1. TVET Equipment Supply
  • Definition and specification of TVET equipment; 
  • Preparation of tender documents, procurement of goods and works, contract management, supervision, quality control.
The Task of the Short Term Consultant shall be:
  • Define the equipment needs of the TVET Institution 
  • Detailing the Equipment Specification including the estimated cost 
  • Shall present a short outline for the training needs once equipment needs have been defined
The Short term consultant required for the following trades and specialty
1.     Chemistry (3 persons)
2.     Nautics (2 persons)
3.     ICT (2 persons)
4.     Agrobusiness – Fishery (1 person)
5.     Agrobusiness (1 person)
6.     Electrics/Electronics (2 persons
7.     Automotive (2 persons)
8.     Wood (2 persons)

General Qualification:
  • S1 in the related trades and specialist, S2 mostly preferred 
  • Familiar with Vocational Education
  • Having knowledge in the Vocational Education Equipment and Training
  • Non Government employee
Please send your CV and application letter to sumiratsetyabudhy@yahoo.com , not later than September 19, 2013. Please insert: Short Term Specialist in your email subject.

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