
Lowongan Knowledge Management Specialist (Part time) - Cowater International, Jakarta

Cowater International is an Ottawa-based Canadian management consulting firm specializing in international development. We work primarily on projects funded by donors.  You can learn more about us at www.cowater.com.

We are currently seeking to recruit a Knowledge Management Specialist (Part time) to help implement the CIDA-funded project, Better Approaches to Service Provision through Increased Capacities in Sulawesi (BASICS).  The project purpose is to improve planning, budgeting and delivery of health and basic education services in 10 participating districts/cities and generate innovations and smart practices that can be replicated in other parts of the country.
The work of knowledge management – including the organization of the knowledge itself, its preparation in various forms of “products”, and the pro-active dissemination of these products – requires a certain degree of standardization (e.g. of language), quality control, creativity (e.g. in formats as well as distribution channels) and technical support. The language, nuances and style used in various documents and materials needs to be “tailored” to suit the interests, background and priorities of various audiences.
As of September 2013, BASICS has produced and documented a number of innovations/smart practices products generated from experience with the provincial, district and city partners with whom BASICS works.  These innovations/smart practices have been described in brief ‘fact sheets’ but complete documentation -- including training notes, guidelines and related standard operating procedures – have yet to be properly assembled, ‘standardized’ and packaged.  There are a number of “non-BASICS districts/cities” that have budgeted in 2014 to implement these products and therefore complete, coherent packages of information (comprising guidelines on implementation, SOPs, examples of supporting legislation, presentations, videos, etc.) need to be assembled, standardized and disseminated.
This job description specifically addresses the assembly and refinement of the KM products (innovations/smart practices) that BASICS has already produced.  Final layout and “publishing” tasks will be handled by a layout/IT consultant but the Knowledge Management consultant should be willing and able to provide advice and input to support the layout process.
Expected level of effort is about 50 working days during 2013, 100-120 working days during 2014, with possibility of about 30 working days in early 2015.  The individual selected will be supported by BASICS full-time staff in the Jakarta and Makassar offices and by the regional offices which will provide the inputs to the packages. 
Key responsibilities will include:
  • Initial responsibilities will focus on collecting, assembling, refining and standardizing a coherent, persuasive package of information for each of the KM products (innovationsssmart practices) that BASICS has already identified (in the form of fact sheets and ‘Smart Practice Packages’) in each of the districts/cities
Subsequent Responsibilities will include:
  • Providing a range of input, under the general direction of the Project Director or his designate, to support all aspects of the implementation of the BASICS Knowledge Management Strategy; 
  • Assist BASICS Team members in identifying, designing and implementing the range of knowledge management activities supported by BASICS, including setting up knowledge sharing forums and producing knowledge products; 
  • Provide advice and help update the inventory of potential channels for the distribution of BASICS knowledge products; 
  • Continuously and pro-actively scan internet sources, knowledge networks and relevant donor programs to obtain new materials of potential use to BASICS and its partners as required.
Key Experience and Competencies Required:
  • Ability to produce persuasive, professional-looking knowledge and promotional materials. 
  • Broad experience preparing well-written, coherent, succinct materials. 
  • Ability to write in Indonesian language in a clear, concise and “non-bureaucratic” fashion.  A strong ability to read, write and speak English will be a valuable asset. 
  • Ability to tailor language and style to audiences with various degrees of sophistication and technical knowledge. 
  • Creative, patient and focussed on producing top-quality materials. 
  • Ability to work collaboratively with BASICS team members, often via internet and telephone and sometimes under tight time limits. 
  • Knowledge of and/or familiarity with social development challenges and issues will be a strong asset.
Interest and commitment to supporting positive changes in social services will be a strong asset.
Desired Key Qualifications
  • Masters degree in public administration, management, political sciences or other relevant disciplines;
  • Experience in capacity development interventions with government, particularly regional governments (district, city and provincial)
  • Excellent communications and excellent writing skills.
  • Particular experience with planning and budgeting, MDGs, Minimum Service Standards, local service delivery issues  in the health and education sectors is considered an additional asset.
  • Experience in international donor programs and their associated frameworks of results based management, reporting requirements, applying cross-cutting themes such as gender equality, anti-corruption, etc.
  • Proficiency in written and oral English considered an additional asset.
  • Willingness and ability to travel in Sulawesi.
Interested candidates should submit an e-mail highlighting their relevant qualifications with the subject line “Knowledge Management Specialist” and with a complete c.v. attached to info@basicsproject.or.id  

This vacancy is open to Indonesian nationals only. All applications are appreciated, but only suitably qualified candidates will be contacted.

The closing date for applications is October 4, 2013

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