
Call for Expression of Interest ISEAN-Hivos Phase 2 SR Assessment

EoI Number I-31: ISEAN-Hivos -GF-R10-HIV/AIDS
Issuance Date: September 20, 2013
Phase 2 Sub-Recipient (SR) for Indonesia

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS –“Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Islands of Southeast Asia”


The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly implemented the ISEAN Hivos Program supported by Global Fund Round 10. This program has the main goal of reducing the risks, vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of MSM and transgender community in Island Southeast Asia Nations. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.

Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 anticipates its Phase 2 of implementation from October, 2013 to September, 2016. In this regard, it is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified Civil Society Organizations and NGOs in Indonesia to apply as country Sub-Recipient (SR).

Key Qualifications:
1.Established track record in program implementation particularly in the area of HIV, AIDS, preferably with international funding support;
2.Strong experience in working with HIV Vulnerable Groups, particularly the Gay, MSM and Transgender People (GMT);
3.Experience in engaging and working with local MSM and TG Community Based Organizations (CBOs);
4.Established program and financial management systems that can fulfill the minimum requirements for SR- contracting of the Global Fund.

Interested and qualified organizations are requested to send their letter of expression of interest and a profile of their organization on or before September 27, 2013 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time to hr.hivosgf@hivos.or.id Only short listed applicants will be contacted for the additional documents to be submitted. Those short listed will be required to undergo a formal SR Assessment process.

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