
AIPJ RFP Workshop on Accessible Service for People with Disabilities - NTT, NTB and South Sulawesi

Request for Proposal
Workshop on Accessible Service for People with Disabilities within Prosecution Service and

The Australian Government, through AusAID, has been providing support for the legal
and justice sector in Indonesia for more than 10 years. In 2011, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ) started as an AusAID’s five-year new program.

After a revision of program strategy in late 2012, AIPJ is focusing on “RealisingRights,” of Indonesians to obtain legal identity (birth certificate, marriage certificate dan divorce certificate), the right to fair and accessible justice services and the right to legal information.

AIPJ focuses particularly on women who are poor, vulnerable children and people with disabilities, and has three target provinces NTT, NTB and South Sulawesi.

To ensure that people with disabilities can access their rights like other Indonesians, AIPJ is
implementing disability inclusion as a cross cutting issue in all areas of activity in the program. In addition disability specific activities - that focus on the specific issues faced by people with disabilities in realising their rights - will be implemented. One of these areas is improving awareness and understanding on disability rights and legal issues in the judicial system so that people with disabilities have fairer access to and better outcomes from prosecution and court processes. 

AIPJ invites civil society organisations, disabled people’s organisations (DPOs), and consultants  to submit proposals to develop a  survey and resource to be used as workshops materials  to deliver awareness and education on disability rights to court officials in district
level courts to reduce discrimination experienced by people with disability within the prosecution service and the courts and to help improve the quality and accessibility of services that are provided.  

Interested consultants or organizations can access the request for proposal document by visiting AIPJ website www.aipj.or.id. The closing date for the proposal submission is on
28 August 2013 at 1.00 PM.

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