
STATT Vacancy: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist (Indonesia)

Job Description
This job requires an accomplished and motivated professional capable of coordinating monitoring, evaluation and learning for PNPM Peduli, a program funded by the World Bank. PNPM Peduli is an ambitious initiative focusing on marginalized groups, such as victims of domestic violence, street children, poor farmers and ethnic minorities. The program includes a strong interest in building and learning from new knowledge. For information on PNPM Peduli, please visit http://pnpm-support.org/pnpm-peduli
The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist will be part of The Asia Foundation’s team managing support to civil society organizations (CSOs) under PNPM Peduli. This is a two-year management position coordinating positive impacts on some of Indonesia’s most challenging development issues. The Specialist will work within The Asia Foundation and
with technical support from STATT. The expected start date is in November 2013.

* The Specialist will work with an impressive network of PNPM Peduli stakeholders, including the World Bank, Menko Kesra, national and local CSOs. In collaboration with this stakeholder network, the Specialist will be responsible for:

* Overseeing the development and implementation of a baseline, mid-term review and impact assessment of PNPM Peduli.

* Strengthening the capacity of partner CSOs in participatory M+E systems, including in data collection, analysis, reporting and using knowledge for policy development.

* Devising and conducting quality assurance activities, such as periodic technical and financial spot checks, and assessing the administrative and substantive performance of partner CSOs. This will include field visits.

* Consolidating reports from partner CSOs into overall program reports, using this process to provide feedback to CSOs on developing their reporting practices.

* Identifying any human resource needs for monitoring and evaluation, then recruiting excellent personnel to meet those needs.

* Coordinating technical inputs from STATT to develop systems for collecting, analyzing and disseminating program performance information.

Skills and Expertise
* An excellent candidate for this position will have the following characteristics:

* At least five years of experience designing and operating monitoring and evaluation systems, preferably on topics of relevance to PNPM Peduli.

* Achievements providing capacity building advice and technical assistance to Indonesian CSOs.

* A demonstrated capacity to work in programs that connect foreign donors to Indonesian CSOs.

* Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English, along with experience working in a bilingual environment.

To Apply for this Role:
On or before 19 July 2013, send an introductory email or cover letter, along with a CV, to mel@statt.net.

Use the following subject line for your email: MEL, Your Name.
Your email or cover letter should describe why you are an excellent choice for the job, referring only to the four characteristics above under Skills and Expertise.  This is a preliminary recruitment stage and we do not want it to be a burden for you, so please use only one paragraph for each characteristic.

In your CV or your email, provide three referees that can comment on your suitability for this position. We will short-list applicants and invite successful applicants for an introductory interview by 01 August 2013.

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