
EoI Number I01: SOGI Advocacy Evaluation

EoI Number I01: SOGI Advocacy Evaluation
Issuance Date: July 10, 2013

ISEAN-REG-2013 – Consultant to Conduct Desk Research and Draft Recommendations on Scope of New Tools and Products for the “SOGI Advocacy Evaluation focusing on MSM and TG in Islands of Southeast Asia”


In 2013, Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) receives a funding from Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) through Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) on the project “SOGI Advocacy Evaluation” that would be completed by June 2014. This project will primary cover the capital cities across the ISEAN member countries on 1st phase and later will reach other regions in 2nd phase.

ISEAN proposes a process whereby several sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) related tools and products will be created through meta-analysis of lessons-learned and consultations with stakeholders. These tools and products will be designed for portability and adaptation across sub-regions and countries that fall within the scope of APCOM. The process to create these tools and products will in itself build the capacity of the ISEAN Secretariat and network members.

ISEAN, as the recipient of the grant, is looking for a capable Consultant to Conduct Desk Research and Draft Recommendations on Scope of New Tools and Products. Specifically, the following services that address the Grant’s requirements are expected to be provided by the Consultant:
  1. Conduct desk research examining meta-analysis of lessons-learned, on-going regional/national work plans, mapping and gap analysis.
  2. Develop the Situational Analysis Report.
  3. Draft a ‘Project Strategy Document (Framework and Architecture)’ bases of recommendations on scope of new tools and products (target audience, methodology and tools) suitable for the region based on the desk research.
  4. Coordinate with the ISEAN Secretariat in relation to the performance of the task.
Key Qualifications
  1. An established track record in SOGI advocacy and strategic planning, especially for organizations related to HIV/AIDS and human rights in a regional context;
  2. Experience with direct engagement of national human rights institutions (NHRIs), and other human rights bodies;
  3. Experience in human rights based approaches to health and community development;
  4. A degree in communications and/or social sciences, or equivalent experience, is preferred;
  5. Familiarity with the concerns of gay men, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people the Southeast Asia;
  6. Be a national or permanent resident of a Southeast Asian country and with direct experience in working in one of the ISEAN countries; and,
  7. High-literacy in written and spoken English
The selected Consultant will be engaged for a maximum of 15 days in July and August 2013.
An Expression of Interest (EoI) Letter, together with the applicant’s CV must be sent by July 15th, 2013 to the email below at 17:00 West Indonesia Time (Jakarta). shah@isean.asia

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