


MSI/SIAP-1: Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program I (SIAP-I) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).

This solicitation is being issued in order to identify qualified, capable, and experienced service providers in the area of conference/workshop/training logistics and event management as detailed below. By utilizing an experienced service provider focusing on logistical and/or event management support, MSI SIAP-1 project staff will be better able to concentrate on the substantive content of the conferences/workshops/trainings to be held. The Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) that MSI SIAP-1 will issue to the selected Offeror will detail the overall Scope of Work and the terms and conditions. Once in place, individual Delivery Orders detailing exact requirements1 for each event will be issued (it is anticipated that one DO will be issued for each separate event).

Indicative Tasks to be performed:
  • Coordinate with MSI staff/consultants as well as designated staff from various government agencies to ensure that each scheduled event (i.e. conference/training/workshop/FGD, etc.) will be conducted in conformity with the program internal rules and expectations;
  • Provide participant accommodations, refreshments, and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) - as may be necessary/appropriate;
  • Provide participant sign-in, name tags, participant assistance, etc, as may be required;
  • Provide event tool kits (e.g. prepared handouts, pens, markers, writing tablets, flip charts, etc.) for all participants as may be directed by MSI SIAP-I staff;
  • Provide participants and trainers transportation (i.e. airfare, taxi, bus and etc. lincluding airport tax ) as may be required to/from training/workshop point;
  • Provide specialty equipment items such as presentation projectors (LCD projectors), screens, microphones, simultaneous translation equipment, etc.;
  • Report: At the conclusion of each event, the Offeror is to provide a brief summary report to MSI SIAP-1 staff detailing any problems encountered and steps the Offeror will take to prevent such difficulties from arising during subsequent events;
  • Make payments to participants for meals and incidential expenses;
  • Provide a notetaker to accurately detail the events of each day; and
  • Other tasks as negotiated between the Offeror and MSI SIAP-1.
Award will be made to the Offeror indicating the lowest unit prices (including anagement fee) while being technically acceptable. Selection will be determined by an MSI Selection Board on the basis of the criteria set forth below as demonstrated in the Offeror’s proposal and evidence of past experience including responses from references.

A.  Price - The “lowest price, technically acceptable source selection process” is considered appropriate by MSI in order to obtain best value from selection of the technically acceptable proposal with the lowest evaluated price.

B.  Technically Acceptability

Proposals will be determined to be either acceptable or unacceptable according to the following criteria:

1.    Technical Criteria

2.    Past Performance Criteria


Quotations are to be submitted to procurement@msi-siap.com with cc to jfreer@msi-inc.com via e-mail before 5:00pm Jakarta time on 25 July 2013.


All Offerers must attend the pre-award conference scheduled on Thursday, July 18 at the MSI SIAP-1 office in Jakarta at 10am.

NOTE:  Due to space limitation, offerors must pre-register their intended participation in the conference(maximum two partipants per bidding organization) at procurement@msi-siap.comby Wednesday, July 17, 2013 (before 5 PM, Jakarta time)

To obtain the complete document of Request for Quotation (RFQ) please request by e-mail to: procurement@msi-siap.com

Please reference this 605700.01.13.324.RFQ “Logistic/ Event Management Services” in your e-mail subject line and please provide your contact detail.

Kind Regards,
MSI/SIAP-1 Procurement

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