
Lowongan Webmaster - REDD Indoensia based in Bogor

Position : Webmaster
Duration : One year (August 2013 – August 2014)
Location : Bogor, Indonesia

A. Background

REDD Indonesia website (www.redd-indonesia.org) is a bilateral cooperation of CIFOR with the Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA) of Ministry of Forestry (MoF). The main aim website development is to share information and knowledge including raise awareness of latest progress REDD+ implementation in Indonesia.

Officially launched on April 2011, the website had been visited by almost 6000 viewers across archipelago and had become one of important reference about REDD+ progress in Indonesia. Thus, the need to expand the website feature is urgently needed to ensure the content is updating on daily basis.

CIFOR recruits a webmaster to manage, maintain day to day REDD Indonesia.org content including to ensure the new version of operating system that is Joomla ver. 2.5 running well.

B. Scope of Work
Webmaster on duty to help preserve Indonesia's REDD website uses version 2.5 application Joomla. By the scope of:
  • Websites and software applications associated with web update
  • Management web server
  • Security and back up
  • Features and appearance
  • User management / permissions
  • Indonesian REDD content update
  • Website promotion through a monthly e-newsletter, facebook and twitter and other means that allow
  • Guest book and e-mail REDD-I
  • Monthly statements and transaction management website
C. Duties and responsibilities
  • Under the supervision of a team of web FORDA and CIFOR, webmaster will help preserve Indonesia's REDD website uses version 2.5 application Joomla., With the following tasks:
  • Ensure the website runs fine
  • Ensure server connection to the webserver runs well
  • Creating a reliable security system and handle the website if there is a security breach
  • Website back up on a regular basis
  • Improve the features and appearance as needed when needed
  • Manage user settings / permissions
  • Help update website content
  • Help update content of the DA-REDD
  • Help replying questions on the guest book and e-mail REDD-I
  • Helping to improve the dissemination of website visits
  • Creating web management reports (number and updated material, the performance of web admin, etc.) and transaction website (traffic statistics, download, read news, etc.) each month.
D. Time and schedule
The work of REDD-Indonesia webmaster is 12 months. This consultancy work will be ended 31 August 2014.

E. Minimum Required Qualifications
  • Bachelor's degree or Diploma in Information Technology or related field
  • Comprehensive experience in developing applications based on Joomla and PHP
  • Good skills and knowledge of web servers, databases, php, javascript
  • Master the basic use of photoshop 
  • Able to understand English
  • Can work with the parties involved in the development of REDD Website

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