
Lowongan Associate Consultants - Strategic Asia, Indonesia

Strategic Asia is currently seeking associate consultants to work on short-term and long-term projects, specifically in Indonesia, but also in the Asia region in general.  Strategic Asia’s clients include major international donor agencies, such as the UNDP, ADB, AusAid
and DFID.

We are currently looking for exceptionally qualified associates, with a proven track record of working on development projects, in the following areas:
  • Gender and Gender Mainstreaming
  • Climate Change and Energy
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Education
  • Infrastructure
  • Microfinance
  • ASEAN and Regional Integration
  • Event Management and Marketing
  • Private sector development and investment
Candidates should have a minimum of 5-10 years of relevant development experience.
A post graduate degree in the relevant discipline is also a requirement, as is strong spoken and written English.

If you are interested to work with us as an Associate Consultant, either for short-term or long term assignments, please send us your CV, a brief covering letter explaining your skills and experience and contact details, and we will be in touch.

Please specify your development specialism in the title of the email, e.g. Gender and Gender Mainstreaming.

If you are interested,
please kindly send your CV to :
Email : contact.us@strategic-asia.com
Subject : Associate Consultants – (your development specialism)

Thank you and regards,

Operation Officer
Putri Lenggo Geni

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