

Reports to: National Project Manager of PREP-ICCTF and Head of ICCTF Secretariat

Duty Station: ICCTF Secretariat, Wisma Bakrie 2, Jakarta

Duration of Assignment:July – December 2013

Full time, output based 

I. Background Information
In 2009 the Government of Indonesia (GoI) established a national trust fund mechanism called the Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) to facilitate and coordinate financial support for climate change related activities. ICCTF is the first integrated financial mechanism for Indonesia’s national policies and programs on addressing climate change. Current ICCTF governance structure includesa Steering Committee, Technical Committee and Secretariat. ICCTF operates in three thematic windows: land based mitigation, energy,and resilience and adaptation.  

A “Letter of Agreement regarding Implementation of Preparatory Arrangements for the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund” was signed by the GOI and UNDP on September 14, 2009 to establish the Preparatory Arrangement for the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (PREP-ICCTF) project until the end of 2014. The objectives of the PREP-ICCTF project were to immediately support priority initiatives on climate change, and to support capacity development needs for the design, establishment and implementation of ICCTF.  Under the PREP-ICCTF, UNDP acts as the interim fund manager for ICCTF during the interim phase. As an effort to comply with the new Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No.80/2011, a transition process from UNDP trusteeship to a fully national trust fund setup is currently ongoing. The ministerial regulation for establishment of ICCTF national trust fund (Lembaga Wali Amanat ICCTF /LWA-ICCTF) is expected to be issued in the near future.

LWA-ICCTF will comprise of Majelis Wali Amanat ICCTF/MWA-ICCTF and Pengelola Dana Amanat ICCTF/PDA-ICCTF. In 2010-2011, ICCTF has funded 3 pilot projects in sustainable peat land management, energy conservation and public awareness and education. Currently ICCTF is monitoring and evaluating the implementation of 3 new funded projects in sustainable peat land management, community forest management and biomass energy estate, and vulnerability assessment and adaptation in health sector. The on-going projects are to be implemented until 2014.

Land Based Mitigation Window is one of the three thematic windowsfor financing high-priority and strategic initiatives designed to achieve the national priorities of GHG  emission reductionparticularly in forestry and peatland and sustainable natural resources management, while contributing to the global efforts aimed to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. In relation to project funding, ICCTF Secretariat is currently developing a project pipeline in the three ICCTF windows, including Land Based Mitigation Window.
For successful operation of the ICCTF,aLand Based Mitigation Window Expert will be hired to lead and facilitate the activities in Land Based Mitigation Window under coordination of ICCTF Secretariat.
II. Objectives of Assignment
Under the guidance and supervision of National Project Manager (NPM)of PREP-ICCTF and Head of ICCTF Secretariat,the Land Based Mitigation Window Expert will be responsible for leading the activities in the Land Based Mitigation Window, participating in the monitoring and evaluation of ICCTF funded projects, and developing a project pipeline in Land Based Mitigation Window.

S/he shall also work hand-in-hand with the NPM of PREP-ICCTFto support the effective implementation of the PREP-ICCTFproject as requested and appropriate, including such tasks as the preparation and implementation of ICCTF transition toward a National Trust Fund arrangement.

The Expert promotes a collaborative, client-oriented approach consistent with Government of Indonesia rules and regulations, ensuring successful ICCTF operation.S/he works in close
collaboration with the Bappenas and UNDP Indonesia CO.

III. Scope of Work
1. Lead the implementation of Land Based Mitigation Window activities, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Coordination of stakeholders of the Land Based Mitigation Window in policy dialogue and  thematic discussion including involvement of independent experts, academics/researchers, CSOs, and relevant professionals.
  • In coordination with NPM of PREP-ICCTF and Communication Officer, provision of support on public relation and communication of ICCTF activities in the Land Based Mitigation Window to the related stakeholders from line ministries/agencies (such as REDD+ Task Force, Ministry of Forestry, National Council on Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, etc.), development partners, local government, academia, CSOs, and the general public.
  • Contribution to various meetings, workshops, trainings, and other functions related to ICCTF, particularly those related to technical substance of Land Based Mitigation Window.
2. Ensure effective monitoring and evaluation process of ICCTF funded projects ,focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Monitoring and evaluation process particularly on programmatic issues in accordance to ICCTF SOP, Government of Indonesia and UNDP rules and regulations.
  • Review the progress and achievements of ICCTF funded projects particularly on technical substance aspects.
  • Provision of support to ICCTF Secretariat, Executing and Implementing Agencies of ICCTF funded projects in project implementation and assure timely generation and delivery of the required programmatic project reports, with a strong outcome-orientation. 
  • Provision of recommendation to ICCTF Secretariat and Technical Committee on the substance of ICCTF funded projects for a better delivery of the project.
  • Follow up on implementation of monitoring, evaluation and audit recommendations.
3. Facilitate development of project pipeline in Land Based Mitigation Window, focusing on achievement of the following results: 
  • Facilitation of the activities of project pipeline development such as meetings/discussions/workshop, call for proposal, project proposal writingand improvement, and field trip as part of Land Based Mitigation Window development.
  • Improvement on project selection mechanism including selection criteria, scoring system selection, and other required information for ICCTF potential beneficiaries to submit the project proposal to theICCTF.
  • Under coordination of ICCTF Secretariat, conducts required trainings/workshops, discussions on technical substance of project proposal development with the potential project proponents in Land Based Mitigation Window.
  • Build relations and effective networks with relevant partners(potential project proponents and beneficiaries) of Land Based Mitigation Window, i.e.policy makers, business, donors and civil society actors to further the interests of the ICCTF.
4. Support the process of ICCTF institutional development, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Provide inputs for improvement of ICCTF setup, procedures, and performance with regards to its transition to fully national trust fund setup.
  • Participation and representation of ICCTF Secretariat in various meetings, workshop, and trainings relevant to thematic window development and project pipeline development.
  • Provision of advice and supports required by ICCTF Secretariat operation.
Within the period of assignment, the Expert shall submit the following Outputs / Deliverables:
  • Deliverable 1:  Activity report on programmatic monitoring and evaluation of ICCTF funded project on sustainable peatland management.
  • Deliverable 2: Activity report on programmatic monitoring and evaluation of ICCTF funded project on community forest and biomass energy estate. 
  • Deliverable 3: Report on improvement of project selection mechanism on selection criteria, scoring system and project proposal format.
  • Deliverable 4: Activity report on thematic discussion in Land Based Mitigation Window.
  • Deliverable 5: List of project pipeline in Land Based Mitigation Window along with the project proposals.
IV. Requirements and Qualifications
  • This post is prepared specifically for a person who is mature, independent and professional in his/her expertise on forestry, agriculture, natural resources management, project management, climate change,capacity development and organizational development.
  • Master’s Degree or equivalent inforestry, agriculture, environmental studies, spatial planning, or other relevant discipline. Doctorate degree is strongly preferred.
  • Minimum 10 years working experience in the field of forestry, sustainable forest management, forest conservation, peatland management, agriculture,environment and climate change  at national and international level, with at least 2 years of which must be in a similar capacity at the regional or international organization in the development field.
  • Experience in policy advocacy and public campaign, project selection and project management.
  • Experience in liaising and working with government institution, non-government organization (NGO), international organization, academia, CSO, and private sectorin developing the project proposal and managing the project.
  • Experience in results-based management (RBM) is desirable.
  • Experience in working with Bappenas and trust fund management insititution will be  significant advantages.
  • Experience in the usage of office application (Word, Excel,Powerpoint, etc.) and web based knowledge management system.
  • Excellent command of English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and spoken.
Interested candidate should submit the application electronically to vacancy@icctf.or.id highlighting his/her suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, expected remuneration, and three referees.

The application should reach ICCTF Secretariat by July 14th, 2013.  Necessary supporting
documents will be asked should the candidate is shortlisted and asked to present in an interview by ICCTFSelection Panel Team.

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