
Vacancy Urban Project Management Officer

Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) and Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) through its National Secretariat for Urban Development are looking for:

Title: Urban Project Management Officer

120 days from 1 June 2013 till 31 December 2013 with the possibility of an extension to December 2014 and a subsequent top up.

Program management support officer. General understanding of urban development challenges and international cooperation issues is an advantage.

1. Objectives
The objective of this consultancy is to further facilitate CDIA’s engagements in Indonesia by supporting CDIA client cities, working with selected Indonesian Partner Organizations and collaborating with relevant national government agencies so to contribute to fulfilling CDIA’s mandate to strengthen institutional capacities in cities for preparation of public infrastructure investment projects for sustainable urban development.

2. Background of CDIA and BAPPENAS

CDIA is a regional initiative established in 2007 by the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Germany, with additional support of the governments of Sweden, Spain and Austria. The Initiative provides assistance to medium-sized Asian cities to bridge the gap between their development plans and the implementation of their infrastructure investments. CDIA uses a demand driven approach to support the identification and development of urban investment projects in the framework of existing city development plans that emphasize environmental sustainability, pro-poor development, good governance, and climate change.

In Indonesia CDIA specifically works together with the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). Bappenas through its National Urban Development Coordination Team (Tim Koordinasi Pembangunan Perkotaan Nasional - TKPPN) and the National Secretariat for Urban Development/NSUD (Sekretariat Nasional Pembangunan Perkotaan – Seknas PP), provides guidance on national and regional urban, spatial and economic development to coordinate policy implementation across infrastructure sectors with line ministries, central agencies and local governments.

3. Detailed TasksSpecifically for TKPPN and Seknas PP, the Program Officer will undertake the following tasks:
  • Prepare agenda of activities, assist in technical implementation, and prepare materials for coordination meeting by the TKPPN;
  • Collect, process, and analyze data and information needed for the formulation of policies, strategies and urban development programs implemented by the TKPPN;
  • Assist with the implementation of workshops, seminars, and focus group discussions (FGD) as part of the socialization and dissemination of the National Urban Development Policy and Strategy – NUDPS (Kebijakan dan Strategi Pembangunan Perkotaan Nasional - KSPPN) and the National Urban Development Program – NUDP (Program Pembangunan Perkotaan Nasional - P3N);
  • Assist with communication and preparation of materials for meetings with international donor agencies in connection with urban development programs in the Seknas PP; and
  • Prepare progress reports on the activities of TKPPN.
Specifically for CDIA, the Program Officer will undertake the following tasks:
  • Activity Management: Facilitate CDIA missions and events by assisting with making travel arrangements, meeting appointments, logistical arrangements, etc;
  • PR and marketing: Prepare a monthly mailing/news-letters and other marketing and PR materials to CDIA clients and partners in Indonesia ;
  • Admin and Financing: Liaise with GIZ for local partner travel arrangements, local contracting of consultants, petty cash arrangements, etc.;
  • Database management: update CDIA Indonesia network database;
  • Facilitate interactions between the IPOs and CDIA within the framework of implementing their CDIA business plans;
  • Facilitate interaction between with relevant national government agencies within the framework of CDIA’s mandate;
  • Facilitate interaction with relevant international agencies within the framework of CDIA’s mandate;
  • Monitor implementation of the implementation of CDIA Indonesia Country Strategy and Annual Workplans; and
  • Provide assistance to the Indonesia Country Team Leader, the Indonesia resident consultant and the IPOs with the preparation and implementation of CDIA Indonesia multi-year country strategy and annual workplans.
4. Implementation Arrangements
The assignment is on full-time basis (120 working days), and expected to start on 1 June 2013 till 31 December 2013 with the possibility of an extension to December 2014 and a subsequent top up. Use of working days for various activities will be agreed on in close coordination with the CDIA Indonesia Country Team leader and the Deputy Director for Urban Affairs/Head of Seknas PP in Bappenas.

The Program Officer will be working in the National Secretariat for Urban Development / NSUD (Sekretariat Nasional Pembangunan Perkotaan - Seknas PP, located in Gedung Wisma Bakrie II, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B-2 Jakarta 12920.

5. Minimum Qualifications of Program Officer Specialist:Bachelor degree in urban planning or economic development, with a minimum of 4 years working experience related to office and project management. Be able to work independently. Experience in putting together newsletters and PR activities are an advantage. General understanding of urban development challenges and international cooperation issues is an advantage.

Fluency in both Bahasa Indonesia and English is required.

Application: Those interested to apply for this assignment should email their CV and brief motivation letter **(2 pages) **in English to **Putu Maiva, e-mail: **utama.21@gmail.com* by May 26, 2013. Interviews will be held **on **May**, **28th** **2013.*

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