
Request for Proposals: Communication Support Services


Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program I (SIAP-I) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).

SIAP-1 is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced service providers for the management, coordination and development of creative concepts and campaign approach in support to communicate with the public regarding the government’s Open Recruitment system through which new civil servants are recruited and employed.

This outreach campaign will strive to create greater awareness and understanding of the new Civil Servants Open Recruitment System, build positive attitudes about and support for it within the general public and generate a more qualified pool of applicants.

The target group of this campaign is the general public, with one specific sub-set being upcoming graduating or recently graduated university students.  Messages will highlight the new Open Recruitment System and how the changes to the process make pursuing a civil service position a more realistic opportunity.


Offerors will be provided detailed information at the Bidder’s Conference, on 31 May 2013, that is vital for the creation and development of the campaign strategy.  The following are services that the Offerors are expected to provide:
  • Content and copy creation, including proposed campaign branding line, messages and copy for the billboards, pop up banners, print ads and literature.
  • Graphic design creation, including three proposed graphic design options for the billboards, pop up banners, print ads and literature.
  • Print services for the production of the billboards, print ads, pop up banners and literature.
  • Recommended placement and duration for placement and the placement of the billboards in line with the ministry’s stated objectives.
  • Recommended placement and duration for placement and the placement of the print advertising in line with the ministry’s stated objectives.
  • Planning and implementation of a digital outreach campaign, including postings to Twitter and facebook, addition of content to the MENPAN Web site, and posting of content to relevant university Web sites.
The maximum value for this procurement is IDR 1,455,000,000.


The deadline for offers is 3:00 pm (Jakarta time) Friday, 21 June 2013. Submissions must be directed to procurement@msi-siap.com with cc: to: jfreer@msi-inc.com.


Companies/organizations interested in submitting a proposal must attend the Bidders  Conference on Friday, 31 May 2013 at 10:00am. This conference is to explain details of this RFP and to answer offeror’s questions.

NOTE:  Due to space limitation, offerors must pre-register their intended participation in the conference (maximum two partipants per bidding organization) at procurement@msi-siap.com by Wednesday, 29 May 2013.


Any questions/clarifications must be sent to: procurement@msi-siap.com with cc to: jfreer@msi-inc.com before 3:00pm Jakarta time on Tuesday, 4 June 2013. Any questions/clarifications submitted after that date may not be considered.

Interested bidders are encouraged to register at procurement@msi-siap.com before the question submission deadline to ensure they receive the compiled answers. Questions/clarifications will be compiled into one document and sent to all Offerors.


To obtain the complete document of Request for Proposal (RFP) please request by e-mail to: procurement@msi-siap.com

Please reference this 605700.01.13.227.RFP “Communication Support Services” in your e-mail subject line and please provide your contact detail.

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