
External Evaluation of DRR program in West Sumatra-Indonesia


Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction is a project implemented by Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in West Sumatra area following the devastating earthquake in 2009. In order to build the resilience of the communities in the disasters prone area, PMI West Sumatra together with the French Red Cross has been working with the communities in three districts (Solok, Bukittinggi and Padang) on disaster risk reduction and disaster preparedness issues. This 29-month project is funded mostly by the Netherland Red Cross as well as the French Government, the Government of New Caledonia and TOTAL (French company). Its implementation will be completed at the end of June 2013.

A final evaluation will be conducted in April-May 2013 in order to identify the impact of the project towards the targeted communities in terms of disaster risk reduction and disaster preparedness. Furthermore the purpose of the evaluation is to provide a learning opportunity for PMI as well as accountability to the donors and the beneficiaries.

1/ Overall objective
To assess the impact of the following objective of the program: establishing communities who are ready, prepared and able to reduce and cope with disasters.
To study to which extent the ICBRR program contributes to strengthen the resilience of the communities including schools and universities

2/ Purpose of the evaluation
  1. To evaluate the practical suitability of the operation to meet the needs identified in the program and the local capacity of PMI Province and Districts.
  2. To assess the impact of the program on the communities including schools and universities
  3. To analyse to which extent the program contributes to improve the local response to disasters undertaken by the PMI during the project implementation
  4. To analyse the sustainability of the program at PMI and community levels
  5. To study the transparency and accountability of the project implementation towards the beneficiaries as well as donors
  6. To develop practical recommendations to improve further similar projects in the future.
  7. To formulate recommendations for PMI to ensure the sustainability of the program
How to apply:
The Curriculum Vitae and the Tender have to be sent by email to the following address: deskreducrisk@croix-rouge.fr on the 12 April 2013 at the latest.


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