
CAO North Kalimantan - Extended Deadline: May 26, 2013

Please be informed that the Deadline for Application Submission regarding the Request for Application (RFA) 13.907 Citizen Advocacy Office (CAO) in North Kalimantan has been extended to Sunday, May 26, 2013 by 9:00pm Jakarta time.

Meanwhile, the Application Submission Deadline for the RFA 13.906 CAO Surabaya and the RFA 13.908 CAO Bangka Belitung remains the same: Friday, April 19, 2013 by 3:00pm Jakarta time.

Please refer to the brief announcement of the RFAs as below.

We look forward to your Application.

Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP-1)


Three small Grants for Citizen Advocate Office (CAO) will be awarded to address citizen and business needs with regard to incidents of corruption and abuse of power by public officials, will be available in 3 areas: Surabaya, North Kalimantan and Bangka Belitung.

Scope of Work:

1) Providing legal and non-legal assistance to the victims of corruption and excessive bureaucracy;
2) Disseminating information and conduct public education about the impact of corruption and citizen rights and responsibilities in interacting with the government.

Estimated grant funds: max. $50,000 USD per each grant for 12 months.

To obtain the detailed RFA Documents and the Application Forms please contact: procurement @ msi-siap. com

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