
Program Director - Community Driven Development, Timor-Leste

Program Director - Community Driven Development, Timor-Leste


The *Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku *(PNDS), or *National Program for Village Development*, is a new, nation-wide community development program of the Government of Timor-Leste. Launched in June 2012 and worth $300 million over 8 years from 2014, it will contribute to rural development by funding the 'missing link' to services - basic village infrastructure - and provide jobs and training.

The Government will provide communities with an annual grant of around US$50,000 to plan, construct and manage their own small-scale infrastructure projects.

An Inter-Ministerial Committee and Technical Working Group have been established to develop PNDS, representing key ministries (Finance, State Administration, Health, Education, Agriculture, Public Works and the National Development Agency). A PNDS Secretariat within the Ministry of State Administration supports these bodies and will be responsible for the implementation of PNDS. The program is due to be field tested in 30 sukus in 2013 and implementation will commence in all 442 sukus in late 2013.

The government has requested Australia (through AusAID) to support PNDS. Through its Interim Governance for Development Program, AusAID is currently assisting the government to design the program, train program personnel and implement a field test. A new AusAID program, the PNDS Support Program, is currently being designed to support the Government of Timor-Leste with the implementation of PNDS from 2014.

The purpose of the position of Program Director, Community Driven Development, is to ensure AusAID maintains a close working partnership with GoTL as it develops and implements PNDS. The Program Director will guide the strategic direction of AusAID's support and be AusAID's principal representative and point of contact with GoTL counterparts and development partners in relation to PNDS.

The position will be co-located in the PNDS Secretariat and AusAID office. The Program Director will report to the AusAID Director, Governance and be supported by AusAID program staff. The Program Director will also work closely with AusAID sectoral staff and policy and operational staff employed by the Interim Governance for Development Managing Contractor (Cardno Emerging Markets), ensuring the effective coordination of AusAID's assistance.

*Key activities*

- Lead AusAID's policy engagement with GoTL and development partners on PNDS.

- Provide strategic planning and manage AusAID's support to PNDS in partnership with the GoTL Director of the PNDS Secretariat and with the assistance of the Support Program Senior Management Coordinator and Operations Manager contracted by Cardno Emerging Markets.

- Ensure that Support Program activities are delivered to a high quality and will help GoTL successfully manage PNDS in the long-term. These include support to the design and corporate management of PNDS, training of PNDS facilitators and development of an M&E system.

- Manage AusAID's relationships with other development partners and oversee AusAID-funded work by partners on PNDS.

- Drive coordination between AusAID's Timor-Leste sector programs and the PNDS support program (especially water, sanitation and hygiene, rural development, health, education and governance) and support GoTL's inter-sectoral coordination.

- Manage the performance and quality of AusAID's Support Program, including addressing cross cutting issues (gender, social inclusion, environment, and land issues), risk management, and AusAID quality reporting.

- Assist AusAID to task Cardno Emerging Markets on Support Program activities, including the recruitment of personnel. This will include providing input to the performance management of technical personnel. However, responsibility for performance management will rest with Cardno Emerging Markets, including performance management and human
resource-related support to technical personnel.

- Build the knowledge and skills of other members of the AusAID Community Development team in Dili and Canberra.

- Other duties as required by and in agreement with the Head of AusAID, Dili.

*Selection Criteria*


1. A degree in a relevant field.

2. At least 10 years relevant experience in national community-driven development.

3. At least 10 years relevant experience in policy formulation, program management, change management, capacity building, team building, performance management, monitoring and evaluation and executive responsibility for donor programs.

4. Highly developed inter-personal skills (particularly with people from different social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds) and experience in networking and maintaining relationships across a range of stakeholders in a cross-cultural environment.

5. Demonstrated experience of working effectively with a team of international consultants.

6. Excellent oral and written communication skills in a cross-cultural environment.


1. Proficiency in a language other than English - particularly Tetun, Portuguese or Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Work experience in Timor-Leste or Indonesia.

3. Experience working and delivering results in an AusAID-funded project.

*Adviser Remuneration Framework*

Discipline Group C Job Level 4 (C4) Long Term Adviser (LTA)

More information about the Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF) can be
found HERE:

*Reporting relationships*

The Program Director will report to AusAID's Director of Governance in Dili and will be AusAID's principal representative and point of contact with other GoTL counterparts and development partners in relation to PNDS.

The Program Director will be supported by AusAID administrative staff.

The Program Director will be contracted by Cardno who will also provide contractual, logistical and administrative support.

*Position status*

Approved for the period April 2013 - February 2014.


AusAID Governance for Development Program

*How to apply for this position*

ESSENTIAL: Applications must include:

1. Response against each of the selection criteria (no more than 4 pages in total).

2. Curriculum vitae/resume.

3. Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.

Applications that do not address all the requirements stated above will not be considered.

*Submitting applications*

By email: email your application *with the reference "PNDS - OP32 Program Director - Community Driven Development" in the subject line *to* * recruitment@gfd.tl* *

*For further information about this position: *

*Email *recruitment@gfd.tl* with the reference "PNDS - OP32 Program Director - Community Driven Development" in the subject line. *

Closing date: 5.00pm 24 March 2013.

*Late applications will not be considered.*

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