
External Evaluator for "Protides"

Increase Capacity Kebonarum Parish and Community Capacity to Plan Preparedness and Recovery from Merapi Eruption” or known as Protides March 2013

A.      Background
The Project of “Increase Capacity Kebonarum Parish and Community Capacity to Plan Preparedness and Recovery from Merapi Eruption” or known as Protides is a continuation of the EA 19/2011 project. PROTIDES project is part of the activities implemented by KARINA-KAS as an effort to assist survivors of the Merapi Eruption 2010. The focuses of this project are Disaster Risk Reduction issues, Livelihood recovery for vulnerable communities and clean water for the assisted areas.

Locations of the project are Talun, Tegalmulyo, and Sidorejo Villages of Kemalang Sub-district at Klaten Regency. Those villages are within Kebonarum Parish area. In this project, KARINA-KAS works hand in hand with PWNU-DIY (Pengurus Wilayah Nahdatul Ulama – Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta), and Kebonarum Parish. Meanwhile, in the community level, KARINA-KAS encourages active participation from TSD (disaster preparedness team at village level) and local government in each area.

The methodology of this project was discussion and consultation with local government, TSD team, Leader of Community and Representative of Community. In Talun, Tegalmulyo and Sidorejo Villages the process of disseminating information was held on January 7, 11 and 12, 2012.

The process of disseminating information was continued by Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) process. Community organizers from KARINA-KAS conducted PDRA with TSD team from three villages, local government, community and local facilitators. Latter on, the result of PDRA was used as references to develop community action plans (CAPs). The CAPs wereverified by experts, such as from livelihood consultant and clean water engineer.

To increase the capacity at community level, KARINA-KAS also provided Introduction to DRR and PDRA trainings for local facilitators, representatives of TSD in three villages, representatives of PWNU-DIY and the PROTIDES team. The trainings were held on 21-22 and 26-28 March 2012 at the meeting room of KARINA-KAS.

Since this time Karina Kas in consultation with key target groups have continued with support to the implementation of the CAPs in the form of water, livelihoods strengthening and capacity building interventions. The project ends March 31st 2013.

B.       Goal
The Goal of the final evaluation of the Increase Capacity Kebonarum Parish and Community Capacity to Plan Preparedness and Recovery from Merapi Eruption” or known as Protides” program is to produce a concise evaluation report of the project, spelling out evaluation results and impacts, and lessons learnt, otherwise to see the efficiency, effectiveness, relevancy, impact and sustainability) from this program to community. The evaluation report is to bring out the performance of the project, its relevance and its success. The evaluation should look at the project’s contribution to capacity development and achievement of this project goal within the context of sustainable development, as well as the impact of Karina/Karina-KAS intervention in the dioceses/community in general.

The objective of the evaluation is to draw lessons from the Increase Capacity Kebonarum Parish and Community Capacity to Plan Preparedness and Recovery from Merapi Eruption” or known as Protides Program processes, both positive and negative. The evaluation aims to assess efficiency, effectiveness, relevancy, impact and sustainability of the project implementation. The evaluation will also identify the main stakeholders of the project and their roles during project implementation.

And it is expected that the result of final evaluation would give additional information and recommendation to the future program, internal policies of Karina-KASand policies related to partnership:
  • Did the project activities address real needs and basedon available local resources of the 3 communities/villages and Kebonarum Parish?How were the project activites relevant to the communities?
  • Was there an integration and linkage between project activities implemented in the grand design of the project?Please explain based on your findings!
  • Was there any connection between project activities done by TSD and Parish team?How was the connection can be explained as efforts to support achievement of the project goal?
  • Were the project activities efficiently implemented; did the resources allocation reflect on the result/achievement of the projectgoal?Based on your findings please explain how efficient was the project implementation!
  • Is the project sustainable and will be benefit of the communities after Karina-KAS phase out?
  • Are the communities accompanied able to effectively manage their activities in disaster preparedness, cleaning water and livelyhood after Merapi eruption?Based on your findings please explain how effective was the management of project implementation!
  • Were the activities effectively planned and implemented in order to achieve a resilient community? Through the activities implemented, do the communities meet their criteriasto become a resilient community in facing disaster?
  • Did the project intervention positively impact on other targeted group/people? Please pull out their answers to how the interventions impacted! 
  • Was the gender balance sufficiently and qualitatively addressedin implementing this project?Please explain based on your findings.
  • Did the coordination between key stakeholders (Karina-KAS, PWNU-DIY, Karina-KWI, Caritas Member Organisations/donors) efficiently and effectively support success of theproject implementation?If yes, how does each of them gives support for the success?
  • Did  the cooperation between KARINAKAS and PWNU-DIY in implementing “Protides” Project promote the spirit of inter-religious dialogue? How was the spirit perceived by the communities?
  • Do the involvement of the partners at the implementation level benefit of the communities accompanied?If yes, how are their supported reasons/findings?
C.      Methodology
Methodology: The evaluation will assess on how Karina-Kas implemented the project and planned activities to build the capacities of served communities and strengthen the internal and external networking at the sub-district level & local church community. The evaluation will be done by comparing the implemented project with the planned ctivities and project achievements. Data and information collection found in the fields and in the project documents must be quantitatively analysed. In addition, assessment on the available baseline data in comparison with the project progress must be analysed in order to provide objective assessment on the project achievements. If there is no available baseline data needed, comparison with other villages nearby which don’t implement the project may be applied.

This methodology is expected to apply participatory evaluation taking into consideration the stakeholder engagement (staff, management, partners, parish, communities and donors) in developing tools, implementation, consolidation of findings, and analysis.  The following techniques are to enable the external evaluator to collect and analyze relevant information:
  • Document study:Information on project implementation will be collected from various reports and baseline data/information.
  • Field observation:Apart being collected through document study, information on project implementation dynamics also will be enriched through field visits to directly observe project.
  • Discussion and interview:During field visits, the external evaluator will conduct interviews and discussions with diocesan caritas core teams and its accompanied communities. The discussions will be focused mainly on project implementation and important issues related to project implementation.
1. Duration and Timeline of evaluation
Begining of march to end of march 2013

E.       The External Evaluator:
  • Having adequate knowledge on Caritas and its networking’s work
  • Minimum of 5 years work experience in the field of development specially for DRR
  • Experience in project evaluation 
  • Experience in project development processes associated with sustainable development issues
  • Extensive experience in project development, implementation and management (direct project management experience is preferable) at national level
  • Must have a good record of scholarly research and publications
  • Excellent knowledge of the English Language with exceptional writing, presentation and communication skills; Full computer literacy
Tasks and responsibilities:
  • Project objectives: Assess the extent to which the project’s principle objective and intermediate objectives (as listed in the log frame) are met.
  • Project design:
    • Assess whether the different project sectors and activities proposed to achieve the objective were appropriate, feasible and responded to contextual, institutional and regulatory settings of the project.
    • Assess linkages between project components and other interventions within the sector and the definition of clear and appropriate management arrangements at the design stage.
  • Stakeholder consultation and participation: Assess information dissemination, consultation, and stakeholder participation in project implementation. In particular:
    • Assess the involvement of diocese in project implementation and the extent of donors support to the project.
    • Assess the diocesan caritas’ use/establishment of electronic information technologies to support implementation, participation and other project activities. 
    • Assess the establishment of partnerships and collaborative relationships developed by the project
  • Technical and management capacity of Karina: Assess technical and management capacities associated with the project and their role in project development, management and achievements
  • Monitoring during the project: Assess whether there have been adequate periodic monitoring of activities during implementation to establish the extent to which inputs, work schedules, other required actions and outputs were proceeding according to plan. Assess elements that indicate adaptive management such as comprehensive and realistic work plans routinely developed that reflect on changes in management arrangements to enhance implementation.
  • Suggest ways in which lessons and experiences coming out of the project can contribute to the design and implementation of future projects.
  • Submit the evaluation report in timely manner
Structure of evaluation report:
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • The project and its development context
  • Findings and Conclusion
    • Project formulation
    • Implementation
    • Results
  • Recommendations
  • Lessons learned
  • Annexes
F.  Implementation arrangements
  • The draft and final evaluation report shall be sent to Karina by Mid April 2013 For comments prior to its finalization.
  • Logistical support required is to be included in the External Evaluator proposal
Application, CV, proposal and contact details should be submitted by e-mail to: eva@karina.or.id or sdmkarina@gmail.com  at the latest on  28February 2013

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