
Vacancies at LOGICA2 Project as consultant based in Jakarta

Coffey International Development is managing the AusAID funded Local Governance Innovations for Communities in Aceh (LOGICA 2) which is an initiative under the Australia Indonesia Partnership aimed to contribute to a stable and peaceful Aceh by supporting effective governance to address priority community needs and improved living standards.

LOGICA 2 is currently seeking applications for two roles as follows:
  • Based in Jakarta
  • 6 (six) months consultant contract.
Competency Standard Specialist Consultant (CSS)
You will be experienced on developing public sector competency standard and holding a certification for developing competency standard, assessor and master assessor and also demonstrated experience on developing competency base training modules.

The position will support LOGICA2 on making of Head of sub-district (Camat) competency standard and certification scheme that will be submitted to Badan Diklat Kementrian Dalam Negeri. The position will also be responsible on the implementaion of series training, developing training modules and other activities related to Camat competency test.

Competency Standard Specialist Assistant Consultant (ACSS)
The position will support Competency Standard Specialist Consultant (CSS) related to administrations need on the implementation of series activities including preparing progress activity report and financial report.
Coffey International Development is committed to equal opportunity and we encourage females to apply for this position.

Applications close by 5pm on 28th January 2013.

For more information contact: Sayed Fachri at sfachri@logica.or.idor Lesi Harmiati at Lesi_Harmiati@coffey.com. Quoting Competency Standard Specialist Consultant (CSS) or Standard Specialist Assistant Consultant (ACSS)

More information on LOGICA 2 Program, please visit www.logica.or.id

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