
PLAN International Indonesia Job Vacancy: MER Consultant for Human & Resilience Program, Jakarta

Plan Indonesia is currently implementing it's Country Strategy 4 (CS 4) covering the fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country one of program area will contribute to CS 4 is Humanitarian and Resilience Program (HRP)

This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership. With the clear goal to promote rights and empowerment of girls, boys and their family for safety and protection in humanitarian crisis and resilience context, through meaningful engagement of all community and stakeholder (women/men and girls/boys), systemic change and influencing forces, Plan’s program needs robust monitoring and evaluation framework in place, supported by technically capable personnel who are motivated to focus on measuring the impact of Plan’s Program to children (boys and girls equally) and their community. In view of the above, the MER consultant will behold responsibility to support monitoring, evaluation and research of projects under humanitarian and resilience program are on track to achieve their impacts.

For more Details of TOR can be download via this link: CLICK HERE

The above documents can be sent electronically through the email: yayasan.procurement@plan-international.org and mentioning the code: [Name of Applicant]_ MER Consultant for Human & Resilience Program in the email subject before 01 May 2020.

Shortlisted applicant will be contacted and scheduled for follow up interview in any dates between 04 – 08 May 2020

Procurement Unit
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia - Country Office
Menara Duta Building 2nd Floor Wing D
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-9 Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 12910, Indonesia