
ICCO Cooperation Job Vacancy: Project Officer, Denpasar - Indonesian

Indonesia Programme of ICCO Regional Office South East Asia is looking for a Project Officer

Closing date:  15th March 2020

The EU CSO-LA of Promoting Green Economic Initiatives by Women and Youth Farmer in the Sustainable Agriculture Sector in Indonesia (ECHO Green) Program is a three year initiative designed to promote green and inclusive economy zone and actionable initiatives by women and youth farmer in the sustainable agriculture sector with the locus of the project placed in rural areas under the framework of the new village order in accordance with the mandate given by Indonesia Village Law. In particular, the Action will contribute to the EU in supporting the Government of Indonesia implementing the RPJMN and achieving SDGs.

The Overall Objective of the Action is to promote green economy initiatives by women and youth farmer in the sustainable agriculture sector, in order to increase agriculture productivity, food security, decent employment opportunities and inclusive economic growth towards attainment of SDG2, SDG5, and SDG8 in Indonesia.

The Action is implemented by Penabulu Foundation as a lead organization and in collaboration with 3 partners which is namely ICCO Cooperation, Indonesia Council of CSO (Konsil LSM), and Consortium for Community Forest System (KpSHK).

Responsibility of the Project Officer
  • Effectively support the Indonesia Country Coordinator to develop detailed project planning and its implementation
    • Ensuring timely and quality implementation of the ECHO Green project.
    • Ensuring that business processes, standards and guidelines related to the ECHO Green Project initiatives are effectively applied in project implementation and comply with the EU Grant Management System.
    • Ensuring cross cutting themes (human rights based approach/HRBA, gender based approach (GBA), and access-communication-attitude-participation (ACAP Framework) are integrated into the implementation of ECHO Green project.
    • Support the CC to ensure the effectiveness of project planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation to achieve planned objectives, in accordance with the project documents.
    • Manage and supervise the achievement of outcomes by: (1) providing technical assistance to the market lobby for each priority commodity; (2) providing assistance to strengthen value chains and market networks/linkages at the district / provincial level; (3) publishing stories of change (written and audiovisual) for projects of key stakeholders and beneficiaries; (4) workshops and exhibitions of green agriculture initiatives by women and youth farmers groups at the provincial and national levels; (5) designing comparative studies between women and young farmers groups in the target districts; and (6) Workshop (MEAL) on the Most Significant Project Changes / Changes and documenting lessons learned.
  • Ensuring quality assurance of project implementation is in line with the project’s logical framework
    • Involved in monitoring the project implementation and documenting achievements and learning process together with the MEAL Officer.
    • Conduct verification to the request of activity, execution is appropriate with the annual work plan – budget plan and project target per milestone in the project performance management system (PPMS).
    • Support the CC and Finance Officer (FO) to monitor risks in the project implementation.
    • Contribute to the writing of quality monthly, quarterly, interim, and end of projects reports in accordance with EU requirements.
    • Document and disseminate best practices during the project implementation period.
    • Ensure project budgetary utilization is within acceptable in accordance with the EU rules and regulations.
  • Enhanced empowerment and capacity building for internal project team and external to the target groups
    • Facilitate capacity building and technical assistance to the project team and target groups in programming and implementation of ECHO Green Project.
    • Coordinated in all training/workshop/FGD and project interventions to promote green economy initiatives by women and youth farmer in the sustainable agriculture sector.
  • Support the advocacy, engagement networking and partnership with relevant stakeholders
    • Together with the Advocacy and Partnership Officer and Communication Officer supports the development of communication strategies, tools and campaign messages, and other communication media that would be used for program advocacy and partnership development in accordance with the project goals.
    • Maintain good communication with all project teams and relevant stakeholders to ensure they carry out project commitments and to inform/notify the CC if there are problems or risks situation during the project implementation.
    • Support women and youth groups to engage constructively with duty bearers and public and private service to improve access and quality to essential services.
Qualifications needed:
  • Having a background in Development Planning, Agriculture and Micro Enterprises
  • Having experience in managing lobby and advocacy, supply chains, human right in correlation women and youth
  • Substantial experience in programma management and financial management.
  • Willingness to spend time in the field and work closely with program target groups.
  • Fluent in both English and Indonesian.
  • Possess the ability and willingness to learn for his/her capacity building including personality perspective
  • Organizes and accurately completes multiple tasks by establishing priorities while taking into consideration special assignments, frequent interruptions, deadlines, available resources and multiple reporting relationships.
Please send your motivation letter and CV (up to 4 pages maximum and in English) with the latest photo only by e-mail and before 15th March 2020 to N.Aeni@icco.nl.

When shortlisted, you will receive an invitation.

ICCO, Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation, was founded in 1965 by the Protestant churches in the Netherlands. ICCO’s mission is working towards a world without poverty and injustice. From the Regional Office in Denpasar, in the region South East Asia ICCO works in Indonesia, Philippines, Burma/Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. ICCO gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations to apply.