
William & Lily Foundation Job Vacancy: Needs Assessment on Village Governance in Southwest Sumba

Terms of Reference
Needs Assessment on Village Governance in Southwest Sumba

Established in 2007, Southwest Sumba is one of the poorest districts in Eastern Indonesia with a population of 308.438 (2014 estimate), the highest compared to other districts on the island. The Southwest Sumba district faces an increasing number of poor, which was at 30.6% in 2017 according to Sumba Barat Daya Dalam Angka (2017). Southwest Sumba’s economy depends on agriculture activities that continue to face challenges from the local steppe climate (dry, semi-arid, and little rain). The government of Southwest Sumba also faces significant challenges in delivering basic services in health and education and in providing access to infrastructures as large-scale public systems, services, and facilities requires for the district to facilitate commerce and other socio-economic activities.

There was a rapid village expansion (pemekaran) in Southwest Sumba between 2011 and 2016. This expansion was not accompanied by adequate knowledge and skills transfer to civil servants tasked to govern the villages. Through its work in Southwest Sumba, WLF notices that a greater role can be played by village governments in improving the human development outcomes and lives of its population, particularly in ensuring delivery of basic services and in achieving the local, regional, and national development goals.

WLF is interested in conducting a needs assessment on the issue of village governance, focusing on identification of gaps in knowledge (awareness, understanding, skills) of select villages on the Village Law (the regulatory framework and byproducts) and Village Fund (planning and budgeting capabilities). WLF hopes that the results from this assessment can inform potential support in the strengthening and empowerment of village governance in Southwest Sumba.

About WLF
The William and Lily Foundation (WLF) is a Jakarta-based philanthropic organization established in 2009. Our mission is to empower vulnerable and marginalized communities by bridging learning with access to opportunities. As an active grant-making foundation, we work closely with local implementation partners on three focus areas: Education, Health and Economic Empowerment.

Prospective Consultant(s) is expected to conduct this needs assessment in Southwest Sumba by starting with a mapping of key needs in the functioning of a village government. The assessment will cover select number of villages within WLF Health, Education, and Economic Empowerment portfolio programs.

WLF expects the Consultant(s) to collect information on:
  • Knowledge gaps - type and level of knowledge (awareness and understanding) of relevant regulatory framework on village governance, village fund, and other by-products;
  • Skills gaps - type and level of skills of village apparatus required to perform their tasks;
  • Challenges and opportunities face by villages (apparatus) in governing, regulating, planning and budgeting.
The following information may also be collected:
  • Identification of key village economic activity and/or village assets (existing and potential)?
  • Needs for an establishment of a village level business unit/BumDes
  • Commitment of village apparatus to improve and/strengthen village governance
The Consultant is expected to deliver a Needs Assessment of select villages with the following information from key respondents:
  • Regulatory -- understanding of Village Law, Village Fund Law, and its byproducts (other regulatory framework on Musdes, Musrenbangdes, APBDes, Perdes, and participatory approaches, etc.);
  • Access and opportunity for technical support from the government at various level (national, regional, and local) on good governance principles, including information on role of pendamping desa, existing/planned budget allocation for PMD;
  • Access and opportunity for technical or capacity building support from non-governmental organizations;
  • Commitment – identification of select villages who are committed for improved good governance;
  • Identification of training/capacity building needs or priority competencies needed by select village apparatus.
  • Effectiveness of Pendamping Desa.
  • Lessons-learned from other village governance or village strengthening programs.
Key respondents for this needs assessment will be determined in close discussion with WLF, which may include:
  • Village apparatus (pemdes, tokoh masyarakat, pendamping desa, relevant dinas, etc);
  • Related line ministries and district level working units;
  • Relevant non-governmental organizations, community or religious leaders, etc.
WLF hopes that the results from these activities can provide information to identify and develop realistic, feasible and time-bound capacity development strategies which can be implemented in a capacity building project.

The assessment is expected to start in late-February 2020 and prospective consultant will be expected to submit their final findings within 3 (three) months from the start of data collection activities.

Selection Criteria
WLF is looking for experienced individual(s) with extensive knowledge of village law, village fund, and village governance issues in Eastern Indonesia. Prospective consultant is expected to have extensive experience in conducting needs assessment that focuses on village governance.

Candidates should also possess the following qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, business management, organizational development, etc. A master’s degree is preferred.
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in good governance, development of village economic activities, and/or village governance projects in Eastern Indonesia. Knowledge of Sumba, particularly Southwest Sumba is ideal.
  • Extensive knowledge of village law (village fund mechanism).
  • Strong qualitative and quantitative skills in research methodology.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with experience in engaging local government, community leaders, and civil society.
  • Strong leadership and management skills, including ability to manage a small team.
  • Ability to handle tight timeline and prioritize.
  • Prior experience of working in multicultural setting and sensitive to different cultural practices and values.
  • Ability and willingness to travel.
Submission Requirements
Prospective consultants are expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English or Indonesian that includes the following:
  • A comprehensive proposal for a needs assessment on village governance, focusing on knowledge and skills gaps in village governments of Southwest Sumba, including a detailed research methodology to be applied, proposed instruments, and proposed selection criteria for the villages and other respondents;
  • Most recent Curriculum Vitae (of all team members) with clear demonstration of previous experience in conducting needs assessment on village governance and related issues and/or experience in implementing village governance and/or empowerment projects;
  • Proposed work plan including timeline for key activities, deliverables of the assessment, and presentation of initial findings to WLF and key stakeholders;
  • Proposed budget in Indonesian rupiah, including daily rate of consultant(s), budget allocation for activities (meeting package, tools development, etc.), travel and accommodation, incidentals and other expenses;
  • A writing sample of the consultant(s)’s previous needs assessment work.
Please send the complete technical and financial proposals in English or Indonesian to support@wlf.or.id by 17 February 2020 COB.