
Search for Common Ground Job Vacancy: Peace Journalism Program, Jakarta

Search for Common Ground (Search) Indonesia invites applications from competent individuals or teams of consultants with an expertise in dealing with the media, journalism, and capacity building activities to carry out a program on Peace Journalism for the Harmoni project under USAID

Violent messaging and violent extremist material via online platforms and offline channels have been an effective channel in the recruitment efforts of violent extremist organizations to draw vulnerable communities, such as disenfranchised youth and fundamentalist individuals, to join such organizations. There has been a struggle to find effective strategies to counter this messaging and prevent vulnerable groups from engaging in violent extremist activities. Efforts are needed to strengthen the utilization of various communication channels and platforms to reduce such vulnerable groups’ susceptibility to violent extremist ideologies and to support communities in efforts to build resilience to these ideologies at the grassroots level.

To respond to this challenge, Search, in collaboration Management Systems International (MSI) and Love Frankie, has been implementing Harmoni, which seeks to increase the resilience of Indonesian society to intolerance and violent extremism (VE) by supporting communities and key institutions to increase their awareness of related risks and to develop more effective tools and systems to bolster tolerance and counter the appeal of VE organizations (VEOs), reintegrate former VEO members and supporters, and support migrant workers. As a part of the collaboration to counter VE, Search emphasizes on promoting peaceful messages and resiliency building toward CVE through peace journalism training and use of media, with the overarching objective of building system and capacities in influential communities to prevent and respond to VE and intolerance vectors, and to address hate speech, misinformation, and acts of discrimination.

As part of this project, Search seeks a consultant(s) to carry out a program on Peace Journalism, which consists of a peace journalism training, fellowship, and coaching process. This Peace Journalism program seeks to improve the knowledge of journalists and media companies on Reintegration and Rehabilitation (RandR) and enhance their capacity in mainstreaming a conflict-sensitive approach to RandR coverage, which will ultimately strengthen Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (P-CVE) and social reintegration efforts. In close cooperation with Search, the Consultant(s) will coordinate the recruitment and selection of local and national journalists or media personalities to participate in a two-day training on Peace Journalism, social reintegration, and gender to equip them with the knowledge and capacity to promote peaceful narratives in the media. Following the training, the Consultant(s) will organize a fellowship for 5 selected journalists to receive a grant to conduct a media project for print or internet news media. Throughout the course of the fellowship, journalists will also receive regular coaching, which will also be coordinated by the Consultant(s).

The Organization
Search for Common Ground is an international non-profit organization that promotes the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Search’s mission is to transform how individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict - away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions. Search seeks to help conflicting parties understand their differences and act on their commonalities. Search implements projects from 56 offices in 35 countries, including in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States.

Search has been working in Indonesia since 2002 and implements programs in conflict transformation, peacebuilding, prison reform, conflict-sensitive journalism, electoral participation and initiatives with youth, media, government agencies, religious leaders and women’s groups across the country.

The overall goal of the project is to increase resilience of society and key institutions to intolerance and violent extremism. This activity falls under Harmoni’s Intermediate Result (IR) 2.2 with the specific objective to strengthen tools, networks, and capacities among civil society organizations and communities to support the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of radicalized individuals and their families.

All activities under IR 2.2 should follow the following general approaches:
  • Build capacities in general/specific communities and civil society organizations to support the rehabilitation and reintegration efforts.
  • Develop tools, curriculum, modules, and systems for civil society organizations, general/specific communities to support.
  • Disseminate promising practices through national networks.
Key Duties of Consultant:
  • In close coordination with Search, the Consultant is responsible to carry out the following activities:
  • Develop training materials and organize a two-day workshop for journalists and media influencers on peace journalism, social reintegration, and gender-mainstreaming;
  • Organize a 2-month fellowship program for selected journalists on social reintegration in coordination with the Parole Agency (Badan Pemasyarakatan) in Greater Solo, Greater Jakarta, West Java, and Central Sulawesi. The fellowship will include an open selection process carried out by a selection panel, and a field visit to the Directorate General of Corrections.
  • In adjunction with the fellowship program, coordinate the coaching process for the selected Fellows. During the period of the fellowship, fellows shall be under the coaching and mentoring of experts in the field of journalism, which will provide them with feedback and guidance in producing their media reports/projects.
Within the consultancy period, the Consultant(s) is expected to complete the above-mentioned scope of work. The deliverables are as follows:
  • Inception report completed within the first 5 days after the signing of the contract and consists of the assignment as agreed upon by the program team. The inception report should have a timeline, detailed training agenda, draft curriculum, draft budget, fellowship program design and communications plan, and a list of identified key media influencers/experts to be involved as selection panel and mentors.
  • Workshop Curriculum, subject to Search Indonesia’s review. The review and feedback may be given in multiple rounds depending on the quality of the report. No final payment is approved unless the curriculum is approved by Harmoni.
  • Fellowship Design. Consultant(s) should make a clear implementation design for the Fellowship program, including a timeline, activities, and coaching plan. The fellowship should adhere to the theme of social reintegration and include a site visit to the Directorate General of Corrections.
  • Fellows’ Media Projects. All Fellows will be eligible to receive a small grant of IDR 5 million which will go into funding their media projects based on their approved proposals. The consultant(s) will monitor the completion of their media projects and coordinate their submission.
  • Final Report. Consultant(s) will be required to submit a Final report to Search’s program team, outlining the results, challenges, and adaptations.
The consultancy period will be from March 2020 to August 2020. The consultant(s) should be based in Jakarta.

SN Activities Deadlines
  • Application Deadlines 6 March 2020
  • Signing of the contract 13 March 2020
  • Inception report deadline 20 March 2020
  • Inception report approval 27 March 2020
The schedule of payment of the consultancy fee is as follows:
  • 75% will be paid upon approval of the Contract.
  • 25% will be paid upon completion of the final report.
Supervision of the Consultant
The consultant will work under the Program Manager.

Logistical Support
Search will provide preparatory and logistical assistance to the baseline team, which include:
  • Background materials (Program Proposal/TOR, Log Frame, etc.);
  • Preparation meeting with Country Director and key program personnel;
  • Recommendations from Search’s and Harmoni’s baseline study.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience and proven track record in providing capacity-building activities and training;
  • Individual or team of individuals that are legally eligible to sign work agreement/contract;
  • Strong background and knowledge in media, peace journalism and gender issues is required;
  • Strong knowledge and capacity in P-CVE efforts;
  • Possess the capacity to deploy trained facilitators or experts in the execution of the activities;
  • Experience working for Search for Common Ground’s programs and knowledge in the Common Ground Approach is a plus.
Application process:
Interested candidates should send their proposal (indicating profile, narrative proposal, and budget proposal) to phandayani@sfcg.org by 6 March 2020. Short-listed offerors are contacted for the further selection process. Telephone calls and office visits for inquiries are not entertained and could be the basis for disqualification.