
Hivos Southeast Asia - WE LEAD Project Job Vacancy: Facilitator for Safety and Security Training, Jakarta

Hivos is an international organisation that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues

With smart projects in the right places, we oppose discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. Our primary focus is achieving structural change. This is why we cooperate with innovative businesses, citizens and their organisations. We share a dream with them of sustainable economies and inclusive societies. For its Hivos seeks qualified candidates for the position of:

Title: Facilitator for Safety and Security Training for WE LEAD Project
Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia
Report to: Project Manager We Lead
Duration: 26 (twenty six) days

Women’s Voice and Leadership (We Lead) is a multi-year project initiated by Hivos Southeast Asia and Just Associates (JASS), and supported by the Global Affairs Canada (GAC), starting from 2019 until 2023. The goal of the project is improved enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality and tolerance in Indonesia. To implement the project, Hivos and JASS collaborate with five (5) women’s rights organizations (5 WROs) with strong legitimacy among their constituencies and broader community: Rahima, Fahmina, Rumah KitaB, Perempuan Mahardhika, and FAMM Indonesia. We are working together with the local community/partners organization to educate the target group; women ulema, student activist, grass-roots activist in the Islamic boarding school (pesantren), grass-root community, campuses. Also, to promote gender equality and tolerance through online media and provide accompaniment to the local organization in building a safe space for members of the WVL Indonesia.

Recently, growing conservatism and fundamentalism movement vastly rising in online and offline platforms in Indonesia. The trend of shrinking space for women is evident in university. The Setara Institute researched 10 state universities and found that tarbiyah groups and former members of Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) organization currently control students’ religious discourse in these universities. Students pushed out the idea that Muslims should uphold Islam's teachings and values in the society and that public safety can only be achieved when the society obeys God’s commands as in Qur'an and Hadith, including in their appearance wearing hijab.

Various campaigns by the hardline Islamist groups such as Islamic Defenders Forum (FPI), Islamic Community Forum (FUI), and AILA (Family Love Alliance) are massively spread through the online media such as website and social media. These potentially increase the challenge, risk, and threat towards women’s rights defenders who work to reform the informal justice. Furthermore, these are also affecting the fulfillment of women’s rights to remain distant to achieve. Nevertheless, the safety and security of the women’s rights defender physically, digitally, and psychologically should be the top priority.

Hivos and JASS are mandated to provide accompaniment and assistance to ensure the safety and security of the women human rights defender involved in the WVL Indonesia consortium as individually and/or institutionally. To fulfill the needs, Hivos plans to recruit an individual/company as a consultant to deliver the training and develop the security protocol on Safety and Security to guide in ensuring the security of the women’s rights defender.

To recruit an individual/company consultant to facilitate the training and develop the security protocol on Digital, Physical, and Psychological Safety and Security for the Women’s Rights Defender, in particular for those who work for Women’s Voice and Leadership Project.

Scope of work
The following task will be delivered by the selected consultant:
  • Conduct risk assessment and threat analysis on partner organizations/training participants.
  • Develop the syllabus of the (+/-) 3-days training describes training design and topics following the assessment result.
  • Facilitate the (+/-) 3-days of Safety and Security Training for the 5 WROs.
  • Develop the tool (example: pre and post-test) to measure the capacity changes of the training participants.
  • Develop the Training reports describes the process, capacity changes of the training participants, and recommendations of the future accompaniment and improvement.
  • Develop a security protocol on Safety and Security for Women’s Rights Defender
  • Summary of risk assessment and threat analysis result.
  • Syllabus of the (+/-) 3-days training describes the design and topics of the training following the assessment result.
  • Facilitation of the (+/-) 3-days on Safety and Security training for the 5 WROs.
  • Tool/instrument (example: Pre and post-test) to measure the capacity changes of the training participants
  • Training report describes the process, capacity changes of the training participants, and recommendation of the future accompaniment and improvement.
  • Security protocol on Safety and Security for Women’s Rights Defender.
The budget for the consultancy is maximum CAD 4000 (IDR 40.000.000)

Qualification & Experience:
  • Proven organization/individual with expertise on Digital/Physical/Psychological Safety and Security issue.
  • Minimum of 2 years of professional experience in providing training on Digital/Physical/Psychological Safety and Security for the non-government organizations. Preferably, training for women’s rights organizations.
  • Familiar with the human rights issue, gender equality, women’s issue, and experience working with minority group.
How to apply
Interested applicants should send an expression of interest (proposed training topics/materials, timeline, and budget) and CV/resume of the team member involved to hr.sea@hivos.org and cc to pputri@hivos.org by 23 February 2020 with the title “Consultant for Safety and Security Training” as the subject of the email. Please be sure to compile the CVs into one document and send it along with the expression of interest if you are applying as a team. An application without a proposal will not be accepted.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.