
Arbeiter-Samartier-Bund Job Vacancy: Call for Proposal - Consultancy for Feasibility Study, Yogyakarta

Call for Proposal

Consultancy for Feasibility Study

Arbeiter-Samartier-Bund (ASB) is one of Germany’s oldest and largest social welfare organizations with a membership base of 1.1 million individuals. Within Germany, ASB provides rescue, medical and social service delivery through a federal structure of over 200 local branches. Overseas, ASB’s work includes disaster risk reduction (DRR), humanitarian response and rehabilitation as well as return and reintegration.

ASB is currently developing a new project entitled Inclusive Resilience: Promoting the Integration of Risk Management and Social Inclusion in Socioeconomic Development funded by BMZ (The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany). Key project components will be implemented via local partner organizations in Indonesia, the Philippines and Bangladesh with technical support from ASB Indonesia and the Philippines Office.

ASB is seeking for a team of independent consultants to conduct the feasibility study in those 3 (three) countries. It is an open call for independent consultants based in Indonesia and/or in the Philippines and Bangladesh.

Scope of Work
  1. Develop relevant designs and tools for the feasibility study in consultation with ASB and partners in line with the feasibility study guideline;
  2. Review existing data available for project intervention on the potential to develop Inclusive resilience: promoting the integration of risk management and social inclusion in socioeconomic development;
  3. Conduct appropriate desk review and site background information gathering (including but not limited to vulnerability and exposure to climate change events, potential socioeconomic opportunities as well as gaps and needs for climate change adaptation; general overview about women leadership and persons with disabilities);
  4. Conduct Field Work including meetings/interviews with key stakeholders and Local Government Unit and representative of targeted communities in Indonesia, the Philippines and Bangladesh;
  5. Presentation of high quality and professional feasibility study report in English with annexed (documentations: interview and FGD transcripts, minutes of meetings, signed inform consent forms, and good quality photographs (300 dpi)).
  1. Relevant design, tools and proposed budget for feasibility study in 3 (three) countries
  2. Professional record and documentation of the feasibility study
  3. Structured consultation and coordination with ASB and partners as well as potential stakeholders to ensure relevance of the study
  4. A comprehensive feasibility study report which covers 3 (three) countries of Indonesia, the Philippines and Bangladesh covering aspects mentioned in the feasibility guidelines attached.
Required Expertise from Independent Consultants :
  1. The successful candidate will have a background in environmental and socioeconomics sciences and/or extensive functional experience in climate change adaptation and disaster management in Indonesia, the Philippines and Bangladesh (including CCA policies in global/regional/national level) with strong technical skills in project design, management and monitoring and evaluation or other closely related fields.
  2. At least 10 years of technical experience in project development, in-depth study for environmental issues, climate change adaptation/ mitigation, disaster management; and social inclusion, including gender and disability inclusion, expertises are considered as an advantage.
  3. Working with multi-disciplinary stakeholders, including local and national government representatives; A Strong analytical skill; Exceptional ability in communication and networking, negotiations and English report writing.
Applications Procedure:
All applications must be submitted via email by 10th January 2020 to : hrd@asbindonesia.org, cc-ed to: anggraeni.puspitasari@asbindonesia.org and dwi.sakti@asbindonesia.org.

Applications must include:
  1. Letter of interest and availability specifying the available starting date and other details
  2. Professional Resume or Organization Profile with the information on: (a) current and previous relevant works and clients/users; (b) CV of the personnel involved in the Feasibility Study and their key responsibilities/roles in the assignment
  3. 3 recent professional references
  4. Proposal of the Feasibility Study with the following contents: a) background; b) brief methodology and approach of the feasibility study outlining key activities and key deliverables; c) work plan, and d) personnel involved
  5. Financial proposal specifying the consultancy fee (including all incidental costs for field works (i.e. focus group discussion, key informant interview, survey, etc.), travel costs (including visa arrangement, if required, lumpsum/perdiem for personnel involved), and taxes.