
Planet Indonesia Foundation Job Vacancy: Program Coordinator Communications and Outreach, West Kalimantan

Yayasan Planet Indonesia is an award-winning grassroots not-for-profit dedicated to the conservation of earth’s ecosystems and communities. We conserve at-risk ecosystems through village-led partnerships. Our model provides community-based services to catalyze community-led conservation. We focus developing scalable solutions that address the drivers of biodiversity loss – rural poverty, food security, and socio-economic insecurities.

Yayasan Planet Indonesia (YPI) is at the forefront of community empowerment, utilizing a holistic model to help rural communities achieve sustainable development through nature conservation. We embrace a “bottom up” approach, ensuring communities own every step of the planning, implementation, and management of initiatives, as we understand this to be essential for long-lasting, sustainable change.

This position will be based in West Kalimantan, Indonesia and will:
  1. Be in charge of managing the organization’s communications department and strategy. This includes our blog, facebook, e-newsetter, and instagram page. In addition, this position will be expected to write press releases and reach out to international media about possible publications related to Yayasan Planet Indonesia’s work. This position will be expected to spend time in difficult field conditions in order to collect footage, video, and materials for media outlets. Field conditions may range from rural villages with access to little amenities to difficult rainforest and mangrove forest conditions.
We expect this position to perform the following duties:
  1. Develop a succinct media and communications strategy
  2. Weekly updates on Yayasan Planet Indonesia’s social media outlets to update and improve engagement with supporters (5 facebook and 5 instagram posts per week)
  3. Design and run Facebook and Instagram campaigns
  4. Use e-newsletter platforms to reach Planet Indonesia’s followers
  5. Compile photos, footage, and materials from the field for promotional materials
  6. Write press releases and work with our management team to identify media platforms
  7. Monthly submissions to Yayasan Planet Indonesia’s blog to update stakeholders on organization progress
  8. Monthly e-newsletter published on mailchimp platform
  9. Close coordination with Planet Indonesia – USA’s communications manager on communications strategy and development
  10. Staff management and evaluation in addition to participating in work planning process and contributing to the long-term strategic plan of the organization
  11. Coordinate with Executive Director and Indonesian Director on publications, project planning, and project outputs
  1. Bachelor’s degree in communications or a related field
  2. Background in photography and video editing skills
  3. Strong communication and presentation skills in English
  4. Background in running online campaigns and using programs such as Facebook Analytics and Facebook Business
  5. Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia
  6. Advanced written and spoken English
Job Requirements:
  1. Willing to live in West Kalimantan, Indonesia in a semi-rural area
  2. Willing to spend long periods of time in rural areas while conducting field work
  3. Adaptable and flexible to changing conditions
  4. A team player
  5. Culturally sensitive and adaptable to new customs and traditions
To Apply: In e-mail subject line must have ‘Apply for Communications Position’ as we have multiple job openings at this time

Apply by December 15th 2019, start date in January 2020

Please submit (1) cover letter describing why you are interested in the position, (2) CV with 2 references, (3) two writing samples, and (4) 5 photos and / or short documentaries produced (press release, article, etc) to: (hr@plantedindonesia.org)