
William & Lily Foundation Job Vacancy: Agriculture Livelihood Assessment in Southwest Sumba

Terms of Reference

Agriculture Livelihood Assessment in Southwest Sumba

Established in 2007, Southwest Sumba is one of the poorest districts in Eastern Indonesia with a population of 308.438 (2014 estimate), the highest of other districts on the island. Agriculture is the biggest sector in Southwest Sumba with around 90% of the labor force working in agriculture with a fairly even split between male and female participation.

WLF is keen to have a better understanding of the agriculture livelihood constraints and limitations facing households and communities in Southwest Sumba through an assessment. This assessment will provide WLF with information of current food security, livelihoods and household economic activities carried out at household level. Results from the assessment will support WLF in developing an economic empowerment program with a focus on sustainable agriculture livelihoods and improve the adaptive capacity of targeted communities with linkages to WLF’s health and education programs in Southwest Sumba.  Improved adaptive capacity can help vulnerable households and communities manage their own natural resources, including building household resilience during non-productive season to secure reliable food sources and income.

About WLF
The William and Lily Foundation (WLF) is a Jakarta-based philanthropic organization established in 2009. Our mission is to empower vulnerable and marginalized communities by bridging learning with access to opportunities. As an active grant-making foundation, we work closely with local implementation partners on three focus areas: Education, Health and Economic Empowerment.

WLF seeks a Consultant (individual/team of individuals) to conduct an agriculture livelihood assessment in Southwest Sumba. The assessment will be an exercise to gain an accurate and realistic understanding of how these households secure basic necessities by utilizing existing assets (human, social, natural, physical or financial) and how to the people of Southwest Sumba endeavor to convert these assets into positive livelihood outcomes.

WLF is also keen to learn of suitable entry points for future support program(s) based on results of the assessment, as well as in better understanding the prevailing cultural practices and types of structures and processes that can transforma assets into livelihood outcomes, including existing coping strategies and opportunities to develop new ones.

The assessment will collect data and information from households participating in WLF revitalizing PAUD programs in  Southwest Sumba. By having these households as target respondents and other key stakeholders, WLF hopes that the assessment can provide the following insights:
  1. All livelihood assets (human, social, natural, physical, and financial) of target respondents, including agricultural assets that are accessible and available to the households.
  2. Current vulnerabilities, constraints and limitations faced by target respondents in terms of access to knowledge, skills and resources for agricultural-related activities.
  3. Coping strategies and activities to address existing constraints in agriculture livelihood, including current strategies to ensure stable purchasing power or food production for household consumption.
  4. Target respondents stated needs, in terms of agriculture livelihood improvements what knowledge, skills or access, lacking or needed by households to allow them to make better decisions regarding their livelihoods, including level of financial literacy of target respondents.
  5. Role of target respondents in the commodity value chain existing role of farmers in the value chain of select commodities to understand their ability to generate sustainable livelihoods, including possible pathways for the farmers to move up the value chain beyond production of raw goods.
  6. Viable social accountability approach (group/community activities) that can improve household adaptive capacity and resilience.
  7. Government programs or schemes to support household resilience, particularly during lean seasons/draught.
The assessment is also expected to cover at least five (5) villages under WLF revitalizing PAUD program and three (3) villages under WLF early grades education program in Southwest Sumba. Selection of the villages and target households will be done following a discussion with WLF and gathering of input from WLF implementing partners.

WLF also hope that the assessment can provide insights to possible linkages between an economic empowerment support program and WLF health and education programs.

Prospective Consultant is expected to deliver an Agriculture Livelihood Assessment on Southwest Sumba. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be used to investigate and analyze the issues that informed the livelihood assessment. These included primary and secondary data collected from target respondents and key stakeholders. Emphasis will be placed on delivery of the following information:
  1. Demographic profile of target respondents (age, sex, occupation, education status, wage rate, vulnerable household members, productive assets, source of income from farm/non-farm activities, knowledge of nutrition/nutritious food, food and non-food expenditure, women contribution to farm or non-farm activities, etc.);
  2. Average yield of select commodities/crops of target respondents;
  3. Identification of potential or new key commodities;
  4. Accessibility and affordability of basic food of target respondents;
  5. Agricultural productivity (assets, arable land, seasonal calendar, etc.) of areas where target respondents live and/or work;
  6. Government strategies and policies to support agricultural production and livelihoods of its population, including access to skills training and other support.
The assessment is expected to start in mid-January 2020 and prospective consultant will be expected to submit their final findings within 3 (three) months from the start of data collection activities.

Selection Criteria
WLF is looking for experienced individual(s) with extensive knowledge of agriculture livelihood issues of vulnerable and marginalized households in remote areas with challenging climate and geographical conditions. Prospective consultant is expected to have extensive experience in conducting agriculture livelihood assessment that focuses on community and participatory approach. Candidates should also possess the following qualifications:
  1. Bachelor degree in agricultural economics, food security, sustainable development, natural resource management, business management, or relevant social sciences. A master degree is preferred.
  2. A minimum of 5 years experience in conducting social research or assessment for livelihood programs in Eastern Indonesia. Knowledge of Sumba, particularly Southwest Sumba is ideal.
  3. Strong qualitative and quantitative skills in research methodology.
  4. Strong interpersonal skills with experience in engaging local government, community leaders, and civil society.
  5. Strong leadership and management skills, including ability to manage a small team.
  6. Ability to handle tight timeline and prioritize.
  7. Prior experience of working in multicultural setting and sensitive to different cultural practices and values.
  8. Ability and willingness to travel.
Prospective consultants are expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English or Indonesian that includes the following:
  1. A comprehensive proposal focusing on assessment of agriculture livelihood assets and activities in Southwest Sumba, including a detailed research methodology to be applied and proposed selection criteria for target respondents (households) and key stakeholders;
  2. Most recent Curriculum Vitae with clear demonstration of previous experience in conducting agriculture livelihood assessment or study and/or experience in implementing livelihood, food security or community economic empowerment programs;
  3. Proposed work plan including timeline for key activities and deliverables;
  4. Proposed budget in Indonesian rupiah, including daily rate, budget allocation for activities, travel and accommodation, incidentals and other expenses;
  5. A writing sample of the consultant(s) previous research work on livelihood, food security and/or community economic empowerment programs.
Please send the technical and financial proposals in English or Indonesian to support@wlf.or.id by 24 November 2019.