
ROLE Foundation Job Vacancy: Fundraising Consultant, Bali - Denpasar

The R.O.L.E. Foundation (Rivers, Oceans, Land and Ecology) aims to improve the education, well-being and self-reliance of people living in challenging circumstances.

R.O.L.E. provides free education, skills training programs and grassroots community assistance to alleviate poverty and work towards environmental sustainability. The NGO started in 2007 as an environmental learning and conservation project, working with local communities to create eco-friendly jobs and to revitalize coastal and rural environments.
Recognizing significant numbers of people in Bali which were excluded from the prosperous, tourism-driven economy and living in poverty, the Bali WISE program was initiated in 2011 under the roof of ROLE.

It supports impoverished, marginalized and at-risk young women through vocational training in hospitality and retail as well as life skills training. The Bali WISE program of the R.O.L.E. Foundation is the only institution in Bali that provides training at no cost to the trainees.

Background on Fundraising of R.O.L.E./Bali WISE

The R.O.L.E. Foundation/Bali WISE program wishes to improve its fundraising strategies, and above all the capacities of its staff to raise effectively funds in using the right knowledge and skills.

Consultancy Objectives and Main Responsibilities

The overall objective of the consultancy is:

  1. In the medium and long term:To improve the financial viability to sustain R.O.L.E./ Bali WISE’s work with young people/women by building its organizational capacities in using more effectively different fundraising techniques
R.O.L.E./ Bali WISE would like the consultancy work on two work packages, which are intrinsically linked to each other:

Work package A = The effectiveness of currently used fundraising techniques: The consultant:

  1. Analyses the different fundraising strategies/techniques currently used(see table above) with regards to their weaknesses and strengths in their actual implementation (this analysis will be certainly also linked to the respective existing or lacking staff capacities, see work package B below)
  2. Identifies and lists concrete actions for the improvement of the effectiveness/performance of currently implemented fundraising strategies/techniques (by fundraising technique), and suggests concrete potential reviews to the current fundraising strategy
Work package B = The existing and lacking individual fundraising capacities: The consultant:
  1. Does a basic capacity needs assessment of staff involved in implementation/implementing the different fundraising strategies/techniques with regards to their individual capacity weaknesses and strengths/with regards to their individual existing or lacking capacities (knowledge and skills)
  2. Identifies and lists concrete lacking individual capacities of staff involved in the implementation of a respective fundraising strategy/technique(by staff and by fundraising strategy/technique, but also with regards to transversal capacities in need in the fundraising team as a whole) that should be strengthened by tailor-made training in future
Expected Outcomes and Written Deliverables
  1. A list of concrete/more effective actions to improve the outcomes/results of currently implemented fundraising strategies/techniques is established (by fundraising technique)
  2. The Current fundraising strategy is annotated with comments based on the concrete findings of work package A
  3. A list of concrete lacking individual capacities of staff involved in the implementation of a respective fundraising strategy/technique is established (by staff and by fundraising strategy/technique, but also with regards to transversal capacities in need in the fundraising team as a whole)
  4. Any other remarks the consultant may have beyond these deliverables are listed
Consultancy Duration and Location
The consultancy is expected to take 1 to 2 weeks and will take place for approx. 80% of the time on-site, in Bali, Nusa Dua. We think that the writing up of the key deliverables shall not take longer than 2 days once the analysis and assessments were done on-site in Nusa Dua with the R.O.L.E./Bali WISE fundraising team.

Qualification and Availability of the Consultant

The consultant should have the following expertise, background and skills:

  1. Strong understanding of programs for youth development
  2. Strong and proven expertise in fundraising (techniques) and training
  3. Strong understanding of individual capacities/skills/knowledge needed for effective fundraising
  4. Proven track record in having written high quality documents
  5. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  6. Availability for the consultancy in Bali in December 2019 (most likely the first two/three weeks of December 2019) OR under exceptional circumstances in January 2020
Responsibilities for and Logistics of the Consultancy
  1. The consultant will have the overall responsibility of designing the entire process – with the approval of R.O.L.E./Bali WISE and guided by these TOR. The implementation and coordination will be strongly supported by R.O.L.E./Bali WISE.
  2. R.O.L.E./Bali WISE will be responsible for logistics and the provision of core documents and information. The organization will also allocate respective time resources to the consultancy, and takes responsibility for the overall process, according to a work plan elaborated jointly with the consultant.
Application and Expression of Interest
Interested evaluators should send an application consisting of the following information:
  1. Latest curriculum vitae
  2. Evaluation bid of 2 pages maximum outlining the proposed approach and methodologies for the whole duration of the consultancy
  3. Consultancy fee: Daily rate in IDR (excluding flight costs /hotel rate for Bali…)
  4. Names and contact details of 2-3 reference persons having good knowledge of previous relevant work experience
  5. Evidence of relevant previous experience in fundraising and training
  6. Desirable: Sample written document on fundraising
Application procedure:
Application package shall be send to Ms. Fena Evans: fena@baliwise.org

Deadline for the submission of bids is Thursday 21 November 2019.

Application received after the closing date will not be considered.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.