
OXFAM International Membutuhkan Tenaga Konsultan Analisis Gender Untuk Proyek ICDRC, Jakarta

Consultant – Gender Analysis on ICDRC Project

Indonesia, as one of country in the ring of fire is in risk of facing natural disaster and/or hazards due to climate change. In 2018 Indonesia has experience 3,397 natural disaster, and in 1,922 in current year. This include earthquake, tsunami, and volcano eruption (National Disaster Management 2019). Apart from that, there is landslide, flood, and drought which is very much triggered by climate change.

In this situation sector which has high vulnerability is agriculture and fishery, and this sector still are the largest employers and job creators for 30,4% workers in Indonesia (National Statistic Body, 2018). The most vulnerable groups in this situation are women workers. Women are affected the most by natural disaster and/or climate change, due to their gender role and reproductive healthcare needs.

At the same time women workers are backbones of the agriculture and fishery sectors. In the fisheries sectors women carry almost 70% of the works. As well as strategic agencies in climate change adaptation and the resilience of food systems. Therefore, it is important to ensure that women had access to and control over land and resources, training and capital opportunities.

Based on this situation, Oxfam in Indonesia together with partners has implement Indonesia Climate and Disaster Resilience Communities (ICDRC) since 2018. This project is focusing on climate change and disaster risk management, and the goal is by 2022, vulnerable rural and urban communities in selected locations in Indonesia realize their rights and improve their well-being despite shocks, stresses and uncertainty.

This goal is divided into three outcomes, and those are: 1) Vulnerable rural and urban households in targeted locations have climate resilient sustainable livelihoods (CRSL); 2) Vulnerable rural and urban households can prepare for, respond and adapt to a range of hazards and shocks; and 3) DRM systems and practices are resilient and are inclusive of, and respond to, the needs and priorities of vulnerable rural and urban communities, in particular women, The project is implemented in East and West Nusa Tenggara.

After one year of project implementation, it is appropriate for Oxfam in Indonesia to examines the social roles as well as power relations of men and women in the project area, and its influence on development of Climate and Disaster Resilience Communities. Gender analysis also tools that can provide insights on how social constructions on gender and power shape the decision around sustainable agriculture as well as how markets functions. Gender Analysis will contribute to Outcome 2: DRM systems and practices are resilient and inclusive of, and respond to, the needs and priorities of vulnerable rural and urban communities (women and people with a disability).

The gender analysis is aiming to:

  1. To get better understanding on social and power relation between men and women in respective ICDRC area of project;
  2. To get inputs for working effectively and innovatively on gender issues in the development of Climate and Disaster Resilience Communities;
  3. To support women’s empowerment in the development of Climate and Disaster Resilience Communities.
Scope of Work
  1. To develop participatory methodology required to conduct Gender Analysis on ICRDC project, that actively engaging partners of ICRDC
  2. To collect on data and information using participatory method and Social Relations Approach,
  3. To compile, analyze, and formulate report, based on data and information gathered.
  4. To conduct validation workshop with partners of ICDRC.
  5. To be responsible for field operations, including logistic, permission to conduct further research, informed consent from individuals and institution taking part in the Gender Analysis.
  6. To coordinate with ICDRC project team regarding to plan, field visit, and report on the Gender Analysis.
Consultant Qualification
This Gender Analysis should be led by high qualified local consultant/consultancy organization which is based in West Nusa Tenggara and/or East Nusa Tenggara, with criteria as follow:
  1. Have at least 5 years’ experiences on research which is possessing equal composition of academic background, knowledge, experience and capacity to manage the study.
  2. Demonstrate excellence comprehension on Gender Perspective, and its intersection with child safeguarding and disabilities.
  3. Understanding on Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihoods (CRSA/L) and/or community-based climate-smart disaster risk management (CSDRM).
  4. Have strong gender justice perspectives and knowledge on child safeguarding, and ability to implement it.
  5. Familiarity with Gender Analysis Tools.
  6. Familiarity with context West Nusa Tenggara and/or East Nusa Tenggara
  7. Excellent in report writing, both in Bahasa and English
  8. Experience of working with participatory methodologies, especially in research.
  9. Has strong experience in disseminating research findings.
How to Apply?
Please apply online through this link: CLICK HERE

Closing Date: 06 December 2019