
ADRA International Job Vacancy: Consultant for Baseline Survey - REAF Project, Sigi - Central Sulawesi

General Information

ADRA Indonesia is seeking for service of an experienced consultant to carry out the BASELINE Survey for REAF project as summarize below.
  1. Title: Consultant for Baseline Survey
  2. Duty Station: Sigi, Central Sulawesi (REAF Project)
  3. Responsible to: Project Manager
  4. Duration: December 2, 2019 up to January 13, 2020
  5. Closing date: November 17, 2019
ADRA Indonesia is a humanitarian agency and part of ADRA International global network. The mission is to work with people in poverty and distressed to create just and positive change through empowering partnership and responsible action.

ADRA Indonesia has been operating in Central Sulawesi since September 28, 2018. After a devastating earthquake, nearly 94 km of irrigation channels have been damaged which has a direct impact on approximately 7,800 ha of agricultural land. ADRA is planning to recover the income generating and agriculture of hundreds of family in some villages that will have direct contribution to the food security of families.

A detailed baseline study will be carried at the beginning of the project with proper sample size with a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. The survey will identify and establish benchmarks for each indicator of the project which is linked to food security. Below is the objectives and outcomes of Food Security Enhancement and Livelihood Recovery for Earthquake-Affected Farmers (REAF) Project in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Project Objectives
Improved food availability and affordability among disaster affected people especially for women, children, the elderly and persons with special needs through increased crop production and enhanced income from on-farm or off-farm interventions

  1. Increased engagement and adoption of gender sensitive and climate friendly improved practices in crop production and livestock management
  2. Increased engagement in gender sensitive and climate friendly off-farm income and employment opportunities
  3. Increased access to services in crop production and livestock management
  4. Strengthened linkage to inputs and output markets
Purpose of the Base line Survey
The Baseline survey consultant is expected to do the following:
  1. To identify relevant information for baseline against all the indicators in the project measurement framework (PMF) as a measurement for REAF project achievement.
  2. To draft questionnaire, sampling of beneficiaries and strategy of collecting the data for baseline survey
  3. To collect data as a basis for REAF Project evaluation throughinterviews with beneficiaries, FGDs and interview with the relevant stakeholders to have better picture of the situation and contexts of food security
  4. To provide a comprehensive and summary report of baseline for REAF Project
Qualifications Required
  1. Bachelor degree or Master degree in sociology, agriculture, fishery and/or environmental, applicant who based in Sulawesi will be an advantage.
  2. Have experience in livelihood or food security and having minimum of 3 years working as a consultant for baseline or project evaluation with a gender lens
  3. Well-experienced with program monitoring and evaluation and preferably having previous experience in promoting good agriculture practices (GAP) through farmers field school, post-harvest management or animal health workers.
  4. Experienced in designing qualitative impacts assessment and processes relating to building awareness, social mobilization, or behavioral change to increase food security
  5. Good understanding of sensitivity for conflict and security issues in Sulawesi.
  6. Demonstrated high level of professionalism and an ability to work independently with tight deadlines.
Deadline to submit the expression of interest is November 17, 2019. Short listed Consultants/NGOs/Firms will be requested to submit/present a detailed evaluation work plan with description of evaluation methodology.

The proposed work plan will be approved by ADRA Indonesia and it will act as the agreement between parties as to how the evaluation will be conducted.

Please submit your Letter of Inquiry by email to recruitment@adraindonesia.org and mark your e-mail subject: “Consultant for REAF Baseline”