
Nutrition International Job Vacancy: Provincial Wheat Flour Fortification Extender - East Java

Nutrition International is an international Non-Government Organization (NGO) dedicated to ensuring that the world’s most vulnerable – especially women and children in developing countries – get the vitamins and minerals they need to survive and thrive. With headquarters in Ottawa, Canada MI maintains regional offices in New Delhi, India and Nairobi, Kenya that manage our country offices in Asia and Africa.

NI Indonesia has been supporting the government in implementing Wheat Flour Fortification Program within 4 (four) provinces. To support this program, NI will recruit 1 (one) positions with Terms of References as below:
Provincial Extender, Wheat Flour Fortification Project for East Java Province
(using subject line of application: Provincial Extender WFF – East Java Province)
  1. ToR WFF Extender East Java | Wheat | Flour
  2. ToR WFF Extender East Java_1 | Wheat | Flour

Interested bidders shall submit the following documents:
  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Please mention 3 (three) referees with contact details
Deadline for submission: Sunday, 30 April 2019, 17:00 West Indonesia Standard Time.

Please submit the documents to proposalsindonesia@nutritionintl.org

Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.