
Lowongan Capacity Building Program Evaluation Rutgers WPF Indonesia

Terms of Reference
Capacity Building Program Evaluation Rutgers WPF Indonesia

Rutgers WPF Indonesia is a non-profit organization which works on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) issues and prevention of Gender-Based Violence. Rutgers WPF Indonesia’s programs include Prevention+, Dance4life, and Yes I Do (YID). Rutgers implements these programs through a variety of approaches aimed to build awareness on the importance of gender justice, spread knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights, prevention and protection from child marriage, unwanted pregnancies among adolescents, and prevention of gender-based violence.

Rutgers and its partners have been successfully implementing programs in the 2016-2020 period, among others by providing knowledge and capacity building to adolescent boys and girls through comprehensive sexuality education using the SETARA (Semangat Dunia Remaja) Module at the junior high school (SMP) level, community discussions (with mothers, fathers, adolescent boys and girls) and many more. Rutgers’ program intervention areas include Semarang city, Sukabumi, Lampung, Rembang, Jakarta, Bali and West Lombok.

In order to ensure that all programs activities, especially the capacity building component, are implemented according to the work plan and are contributing to achieving the targeted outcome indicators, the monitoring and evaluation function is essential, which is done through the monitoring mechanism, routine activity reporting and field visits to program intervention areas to gain information on the accomplishments and the obstacles faced by the implementing partners. PMEL is the appointed division responsible for overseeing grant funding in Indonesia, reviewing the performance of the alliance/partners in detail, and providing official recommendations to the partners to strengthen program implementation or solve problems. In addition to the supervisory function, PMEL has the role of providing technical guidance to improve program performance and mentoring to field partners to achieve more optimal program results.

As we approach the end of the fifth year, which is in 2020, Rutgers WPF Indonesia must evaluate the entire program implementation, in particular the capacity building activity, in order to find out the effectiveness and added value of this activity in improving overall program performance. The evaluation results will also be used to support the End Term Report preparation, which summarizes the accomplishments of all programs implemented in 2016-2019. In this regard, PMEL intends to recruit parties outside of Rutgers to become independent Evaluator and carry out objective program evaluation on the capacity building activities implemented by Rutgers and its partners.

Evaluation Objectives and Results

The objectives of the evaluation are:
  • To provide accurate information and comprehensive evaluation on the performance of the capacity building programs supporting the implementation of past projects (efficiency, effectiveness and impact),
  • To document (positive or negative) lessons learned, and
  • To provide practical recommendations on follow-up actions focusing on strengthening the capacity building framework/model.
General Evaluation Results
This evaluation is expected to produce conclusions and recommendations, which will help Rutgers WPF Indonesia design programmatic approaches (methods) for capacity building which is more targeted and appropriate to the ambitions of the organization and the ambitions of the projects managed by Rutgers WPF Indonesia and its implementing partners during the 2016-2020 period. The conclusions and recommendations from this evaluation are expected to provide strategic contributions to achieve the objectives of the organization and the objectives of the current projects, in order to leave a strong legacy as a form of project sustainability.

Specific Evaluation Outputs

Output 1: Program Documents Review

A consolidated summary of the results and lessons learned from the Capacity Building Program intervention implemented by Rutgers WPF Indonesia and its implementing partners since 2016 until now, derived from the existing documentation (proposals, annual reports, reports and evaluations from the capacity building program).

Output 2: Analysis Results 
Analysis results on the effectiveness, efficiency, impact (positive-negative) and the unintended outcomes from the Capacity Building Program that has been implemented.

Recommendation Summary OutputA 2-page (maximum) document containing a summary of recommendations identifying opportunities or framework for a capacity building program that is more targeted or relevant based on the evaluation findings and referring to the standards of good practice.

Output 3: Stakeholders’ View Report
This report contains the views of the stakeholders in the project locations on the successes and challenges of the capacity building program implemented by Rutgers WPF Indonesia, and the opportunities for approach/methodology improvement and strengthening so it is more targeted and relevant in the future (until 2020).

Evaluation ProductsThe Evaluator will produce the following deliverables (bilingual, both in Indonesian and English):
  • Inception Report, describing:
    • The evaluation design and methodology (including data collection tools, data organization and analysis, sampling procedure, quality assurance and ethical considerations).
    • Work plan
    • Proposed report structure
  • A Presentation and Discussion of the Inception Report, with:
    • Rutgers WPF Indonesia team
    • The Evaluation Reference Group before the end of the field work. This meeting will highlight the key findings and recommendation design.
    • Evaluation Report Draft, which will be reviewed by the Rutgers WPF Indonesia team responsible for this evaluation and the Evaluation Reference Group.
    • Evaluation Final Report, no more than 40 pages, excluding annexes, including a 3-page maximum Executive Summary.
    • A Powerpoint Presentation on the Key Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations, which are suitable and appropriate for use by Rutgers WPF Indonesia in presenting the results of this evaluation to the stakeholders (maximum 15 pages).
Scope of Work and Qualification of the Evaluation Team 

ScopeThis evaluation will cover the period of 2016 to present day and will include the following projects:
  • GUSO (Get Up Speak Out) for youth’s rights
  • Yes I Do (YID) to Prevent Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
  • Prevention+ in Rutgers WPF Indonesia intervention areas (Semarang city, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi, and Bali).
The focus and aim of each project will be reflected in the proposal document and the Theory of Change will be discussed with the selected Evaluator. The main parameter of the evaluation is to evaluate the project progress against the focus and aim based on the respective Theory of Change.

Evaluation Criteria and Key Questions

The key questions that must be answered by the evaluation team are: 
  • How effective and efficient is the capacity building provided by Rutgers WPF Indonesia to the project implementing partners and the communities around the project locations, in achieving the targets and objectives of each project (including enabling external factors which potentially contributed to these results and noting the changes that occurred in the project objectives during the project implementation cycle from 2016 until now)?
  • What are the strengths, gaps/challenges and lessons learned regarding the results achieved, implementation and applicable lessons for design and implementation of a better capacity building intervention?
  • Does the capacity building program have other important effects on other institutions and individuals? (Could be positive or negative, planned or unplanned).
  • What are the recommendations for a capacity building program that is more targeted and with high success rate, considering the focus and character of each project (for example: on sustainability, expansion or replication) and the opportunities that arise from good policies and practices?
The evaluation will use the following criteria:
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Relevance
  • Sustainability, and
  • Impact
To provide a comprehensive overview on the performance of the implemented capacity building program. The questions are open for revisions according to the agreed results, focus and methodology that will be agreed with the Evaluator in the initial phase.

Evaluator Experience and Qualifications 

  • Experience in being an evaluator for projects valued at 5M minimum annually
  • Experience in being an evaluator for SRHR and SGBV issues
  • Minimum 8 years of experience in evaluation capacity building programs for NGOs or the government
  • Lead evaluator is able to provide proof on composing a competent team
Evaluation Proposal 

Candidates are expected to create an evaluation proposal which contains the following:
  • The methodology used to evaluate a capacity building program
  • CVs of the team members
  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Key sub-questions
If you are interested, please e-mail your cover letter and CV through recruitment.rutgerswpf.indo@rutgerswpfindo.org with “EVALUATION TEAM” on the subject line. The deadline of this application is 3 May 2019.