
World Resources Institute Job Vacancy: Riau Policy and Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, Pekanbaru

About WRI Indonesia
WRI Indonesia is a national entity (Yayasan) associated with the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global environmental research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. WRI employs three approaches, namely: Count It, Change It, Scale It.

WRI works with various stakeholders in the natural resources sector to support policy and management that are both profitable and sustainable. WRI has worked with leaders in more than 50 countries for more than 30 years, with offices in the United States, Brazil, China, Europe, India, and Indonesia.

Launched in early 2014, WRI Indonesia builds on WRI’s 10-year history in the country focusing on forests and land use governance and strengthens our impact on the ground. In the short-to-medium term, WRI Indonesia aims to expand its presence and portfolio to include climate, energy, oceans, food as well as cities and transportation programs.

Program Overview
One Map Initiative (OMI) is a collaborative initiative for sustainable and equitable land use and planning in Riau, South Sumatera, Papua and West Papua in order to support the government to implement low-emission development. Despite the name, OMI will go beyond the development of a unified, accurate, official, secured and up-to-date geospatial database with associated social and economic data of such provinces. Through a multi-stakeholder forum, OMI will be a people-oriented process that involves key stakeholders such as the government (Geospatial Information Agency, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs and many others), CSOs, community groups and indigenous people to discuss conflicts typology regarding land use.

Aside OMI, WRI Indonesia also support the acceleration of Social Forestry implementation. The Indonesian Government's social forestry initiative exists as an approach to overcome poverty problem in villages inside and around forest area while also ensuring that the forests will be managed sustainably. The Government is committed to provide legal access to those dependent on forest resources in more than 12.7 million hectares of forest areas through various social forestry schemes, such as community forestry, village forests, community plantation forests, and customary forests. WRI Indonesia is committed to provide support to the government's social forestry initiative, particularly in understanding the indicators or success criteria for social forestry schemes, assessing the challenges and enabling factors of social forestry initiative, and examining the effectiveness of social forestry indicative maps.

How to Apply
Final candidates will be required to take a writing test. Also required to produce two writing samples

Salary: Salary is commensurate with experience and skills. WRI offers a generous, comprehensive benefits package.

Application close: 1700 (Jakarta Time), 12 April 2019. We will close the advert earlier when best candidates are identified at earlier dates.

This is a locally engaged position; Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.