
RISE Program Job Vacancy: Laboratory Logistics Administrator, Makassar - South Sulawesi

Post Title: Laboratory Logistics Administrator

Program: Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE)
Reporting to: 

  • Assessment Team Leader (ATL)
  • RISE Indonesia Coordinator 

With strong working relations to:

  • RISE Laboratory Team
  • RISE Makassar Administration Officer (Makassar-based)
  • RISE Program Administrator (Melbourne-based) 
  • UNHAS Procurement and Finance departments
  • UNHAS Laboratory Manager
  • Community Fieldworker Team
  • RISE Researchers (local and overseas)

Duty Station: Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Duration: 6 months, extendable based on performance
Number of posts: 1 post

The Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) program aims to demonstrate a new approach to water and sanitation management in urban informal settlements. RISE is an action-research program utilizing a randomized control trial (RCT) methodology involving 24 informal settlements (12 in each country). The RISE theory of change is that the water sensitive cities (WSC) approach can interrupt the fecal-oral transmission route, resulting in an improvement in human gastrointestinal health, especially for children under 5 years of age. The overall aim of RISE is ‘to improve the lives of men and women, boys and girls in informal settlements through improvements in human health and the environment by adopting a water sensitive cities (WSC) approach to informal settlement upgrading. The Expected outcome is to provide the evidence that a localised, water-sensitive approach to upgrading informal settlements can deliver sustainable, cost-effective improvements in health and the environment as a complementary to ‘big pipes’ in the Asia-Pacific, paving the way for further deployments in the region and globally.

Key responsibilities:
Lead in procuring consumables and equipment for laboratory and related field operations

  • Be responsible for populating and oversight of the master procurement list for equipment and consumables, ensuring it remains up to date
  • Prepare monthly summary of all equipment and consumables ordered and received and list overdue items for the ATL
  • Seek quotations for goods and equipment from preferred suppliers list when requested and compile a summary of quotations including delivery time for consideration by ATL 
  • Liaise with ATL/overseas RISE researchers if consumables or equipment are unable to be acquired in Indonesia and request quotations from them
  • Maintain a list of importation codes for all RISE items ordered overseas for calculation of relevant taxes and duties
  • Be responsible for documenting minimum order levels of consumable items before re-ordering in consultation with ATL, laboratory team, field team and RISE researchers
  • Oversee the operation of the Quartzy system to ensure that inventory levels are maintained and that set-points for reordering are appropriate. Update as necessary
  • Check stock levels regularly (minimum monthly) especially prior to the commencement of each objective ‘campaign’
  • Maintain record of location of all consumables and perform 6-monthly stock-take
  • Check expiry date of all consumables. This includes checking expiry date of consumables upon arrival to ensure that they are appropriate PRIOR to accepting goods and organizing payment. Return goods as relevant.
  • Keep running list of expenditure for laboratory items and submit monthly summaries to ATL. 
  • Complete UNHAS and other paperwork for procurement of laboratory equipment and consumables, as appropriate for subsequent approval by ATL, RISE In-Country coordinator and UNHAS personnel
  • Be responsible for liaison with the Laboratory team as to the timing of delivery of items to the laboratory so that such activities do not disrupt laboratory operation
  • Compile a list of preferred suppliers of goods related to their reliability and performance

Ensure that Community Fieldworker team has sufficient field kits and equipment in advance of each objective ‘campaign’ 

  • Be responsible for ensuring that all materials required by the field team (sample kits, sample containers, cooler boxes, ice bricks) are available to them in advance of sample collection (beginning of day, beginning of week as relevant) for each objective ‘campaign’. 

Lead in logistical aspects of sample dispatch to overseas and domestic locations for analysis and/or storage

  • Organise dispatch of stored samples from -80 C freezer to overseas locations according to predetermined program (book transportation, prepare relevant paperwork and keep records of relevant payments so that non-payment or late payment of invoices does not occur, potentially disrupting ongoing relationship with transporter)
  • Be responsible for obtaining sample manifest from laboratory staff making sure that relevant paperwork is included with samples to be transported and that duplicate copies are retained and safely stored
  • Be the point of contact for testing laboratories where samples are to be sent for analysis,  and maintenance of records of the number and identity of samples sent. Ensure invoices are paid and relevant paperwork and records are maintained
  • Be the person to whom results of external sample analyses are sent and who is responsible for the entry of results onto RISE LIMS system as well as safe storage of paper copy / electronic results.

Maintain RISE Laboratory training, OHS and quality system records ensuring they are current and auditable

  • Be responsible for maintenance and safe storage of laboratory OH&S records including vaccination records, emergency telephone numbers of next of kin, records pertaining to fire extinguisher use and first aid training, adverse incident reports
  • Be responsible for auditing all SOPs on 6-monthly basis to ensure they are current and that record amendment has been documented for all procedures
  • Maintain training records for each RISE employee 
  • Audit OHS, SOP amendment and training records on a 6 monthly basis and prepare a report for ATL detailing relevant document updates required and training programs to be implemented

Be the point of contact with UNHAS in relation to regulatory and other issues related to laboratory logistics

  • Prepare necessary paperwork relating to UNHAS laboratory requirements (e.g. documentation required for renewal of biohazard waste disposal contract, OH&S inspections, equipment delivery, other)
  • Support the RISE Makassar Administration Officer (Makassar-based) with UNHAS staff to arrange training sessions as required (e.g. fire extinguisher, first aid etc) of RISE staff
  • Support the RISE Makassar Administration Officer (Makassar-based) for issues related to building issues – water supply, electricity etc that affect RISE activities

Schedule laboratory and other maintenance tasks 

  • Prepare schedule for maintenance of laboratory equipment in consultation with laboratory staff, taking into account warranty expiry and times of non-use of equipment for laboratory analyses
  • Ensure maintenance schedule for all equipment is followed and if not, follow up on reasons for non-compliance and make relevant arrangements to rectify
  • Compile a list of all servicing contractors and contact numbers (including out of hours contacts) 
  • Arrange for servicing and repair of equipment, as required and ensure relevant records of servicing are received and safely stored.

Key result areas:Lab operations maintained with sufficient consumables and functioning equipment and facilities, enabling RISE assessment activities to proceed on time. Adequate preparation of kits and equipment for field sampling.

Required qualifications and experience:
Excellent English oral and written language skills essential

Two to five years’ experience with:

  • Procurement of materials and consumables (ideally in a laboratory setting)
  • Managing stock inventory levels and records (ideally in a laboratory setting)
  • Familiarity with procurement of laboratory and related items
  • Work scheduling and forecasting, including budgeting and financial analysis
  • Auditing of OH&S and other quality systems

Desirable, but not essential:

  • Working in a team environment
  • Experience working in an international team working in many disciplines
  • Experience with University research programs

How to Apply:
Send complete application materials to Ibu Fitriyanty A. Awaluddin at fitriyanty.rise@gmail.com with the appropriate Position Title in the Subject Line.

Deadline: 27 February 2019 (early applicants will be considered first).