
Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments Job Vacancy: Exposure Assessment Video Coders - South Sulawesi

RISE Exposure Assessment Video Coders Terms of Reference

Project Description:
The purpose of the Revitalizing Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) Child Exposure Assessment project is to generate data on children’s contacts with the environment. This data will be combined with environmental sampling data collected by RISE to evaluate the relative contribution of each exposure pathway to children’s intake of the fecal indicator bacteria, E. coli. The E. coli exposure pathways that we will consider are placing hands, water, food, objects, soil, and feces in the mouth. Women from the selected communities will use a video camera to record children’s normal daily activities. You will then watch these videos on a computer or tablet and use a simple application on a separate tablet loaned to you by RISE to record the child’s behaviors. You will tap various buttons on the screen to indicate what the child is doing, what the child is touching, what is entering the child’s mouth, the child’s location, etc. You will receive at least 5 days of training so that you are can accurately use the software before beginning to collect data for the project. We will also have continuous refreshers throughout the project.

Each child observation that you receive will consist of one or more videos that record a single day of observation for that child. You will watch each of the videos twice, first recording what the child touches and places in the mouth with one hand, then again to record the other hand. You will also re-record 10% of videos for quality assurance purposes. After correctly naming the comma-separated value file that is produced, you will upload it to a secured folder.

This work requires extreme attention to detail and fast reaction times. You need to be well-rested and take the work seriously, avoiding all distractions while you work. You will work <6 hours/day for ~25 days in March and ~25 days in June-July. Training is currently schedule for the last week in February; we may begin data collection slightly before March or end in April, depending on research approvals. During the period in June-July, you will spend ~1 day per week using the tablet to record what the children are doing in real-time in their homes. You will conduct this observation at the same time the video observation is occurring.


  • High school diploma
  • Daily access to or own a tablet with SD card reader or computer that can be used to play back a video recording and access the internet. If you share your computer, you may not allow other people to access the data related to this project.
  • Experience working on a computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Demonstrated ability to concentrate for long periods of time
  • Demonstrated attention to detail
  • Willing to work part-time (75% time) on the specified dates
Please send your application letter and resume to fitriyanty.RISE@gmail.com by the latest at 10 February 2019.