
Islamic Relief Job Consultant: Cash Transfer, Palu - Central Sulawesi

About the organisation:
Islamic Relief  Worldwide is an independent humanitarian and development organisation with a presence in over 40 countries around the globe. Islamic Relief Worldwide is a UK based International relief. We have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years, in a world in which over three billion people still live in poverty.
Country Purpose:
Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia was operation since 2003 following the  MOU signing with the Ministry of Home Affairs. The objective of IRW in Indonesia programme is to contribute to the social welfare of the Indonesia people and to alleviate the suffering. The main sector for the programme include:
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Sustainable livelihood
  • Education
  • Child Welfare
  • Shelter
  • Disaster Risk Reduction

The geographical area are Banten, NTB, Aceh and Central Sulawesi province directly implementing or  through partners.
Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia is looking to recruit a CONSULTANT FOR CASH TRANSFER – Central Sulawesi.
Task and responsibility:
The overall task of the consultant is to provide guidance for the team in the field to establish a noncash transfer mechanism using voucher and/or e-money that will include setting up cooperation with the bank and vendor and providing training for relevant stakeholders. 
Education and Experience requested:
  • University Degree in international development, economics, social sciences, or related field, or equivalent work experience 
  • Minimum 3 years of experience working within development or humanitarian aid sectors - Experience managing project implementation and community-based field teams
  • Experienced individuals in establishing a non-cash cash transfer mechanism (please include proof of experience in a narrative). 
  • Understand and be committed to the implementation and fulfillment of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)
  • Having experience using e-money and EDC machines in providing humanitarian assistance.  Prioritiy will be given to Individual who has experience in implementing an MBICT4D (Market Banking, Information, and Communication Tehcnology for Disaster) approach.   Interested candidates can request for a video link on MBICT4D to the email address below. 
  • Own the experience of building cooperation with banks and traders / vendors - Willing to stay in Palu during the activities

All applications and CVs should be sent by email to procurement@islamic-relief.or.id before or by January 14th, 2019.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.