Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), is an humanitarian non-government organization who works based Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) particularly in child rights fulfillment and community development. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 15 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children.
Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.
Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia looking for some candidates for position:
- Administration Officer - Lombok Mertak [CODE: ADL01]
- Finance Officer - Batavia CDP, Jakarta [CODE: FOB01]
- Income Generation - Batavia CDP, Menteng Jakarta [CODE: IGB01]
- Children Development Facilitator - Batavia CDP, Rawa Badak Selatan Jakarta [CODE: CHDF01]
- Operational Department Officer - Sukabumi [CODE: ODS01]
- Finance Officer - Head Office, Jakarta [CODE: FOJ01]
- HRD Officer - Jakarta [CODE: HRD01]
- Project Management Officer Income Generation - Jakarta [CODE: PMO01]
- Sponsorship Service Department Officer - Jakarta [CODE: SSD01]
- Design Monitoring Evaluation Officer - Jakarta [CODE: DME01]
- Major Funding Officer - Jakarta [CODE: MFO01]

For detailed job descriptions please check on this following link:
How To Apply
- Please fill-in Screning Form (link for download below), and submit it with your Application Letter and CV in English.
- Submit to E-mail: hrd.gnirecruitment@gmail.com
- Please fill the email's subject with each position code.
- Deadline for submission of applications : 31 January 2019.
Only the qualified candidate will be proceed