
Wetlands International Indonesia Job Consultant: Business Model Developer, Bogor - West Java

Wetlands International Job Vacancies 2018

Consultant: Business Model Developer (Bogor)

Reporting to: Fund Manager and Director of Wetlands International Indonesia

Location: Wetlands International Indonesia Office, Bogor, Indonesia

Duration: 15 – 25 days (depending on the rate)

Wetland International Indonesia (WII) is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to sustain and restore wetlands, their resources, and biodiversity. At present WII governed Dana Mitra Gambut Indonesia (DMG-Indonesia), a small grants funding 10 community-based Rewetting-Revegetation-Revitalization (3R) projects in 17 villages, in 5 provinces of Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.

DMG-Indonesia advised by a steering committee, designed to support projects in community-based peatland conservation, restoration, and sustainable development. DMG-Indonesia activities are supported by the Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency (Letter No. S.31/KaBRG/ D1/4/2017) to ensure optimal complementarity and appropriate integration with government plans and actions. The projects that DMG-Indonesia supports will contribute to the national goal for peatland restoration (2.4 million hectares by 2020).

Overall purpose of the consultancy
The Business Model Developer is responsible to develop business cases based on DMG-Indonesia 10 project implementation that shows how to best finance the business development, approaches, and guide fund-raising activities for scale-up.

  • Background in economics (agriculture, social or development, preferably a combination of those)
  • Experience with impact investment or micro-finance projects
  • Experience in developing business models
  • Familiar with peatland ecosystem and development issues in Indonesia
  • Familiar with community development in Indonesia
  • Develop three business cases for community-based sustainable peatland management in Indonesia based on data from DMG-Indonesia grantees, Wetlands International, and literatures:
    • Ensuring a variety of products, their processing and (ecosystem) services are being valued in a variety of geographical sites, peatland physical environment and socio-economic situations
    • Including costs and benefit analysis (in short, medium and long-term), market analysis (supply-demand and accessibility to markets) and regulatory analysis
    • Address capital start-up needs, cash flow and other risks and possibilities to mitigate these risks
    • Identify potential bottlenecks (institutional, marketing, infrastructure) and propose mitigating measures on how to deal with these.
    • Ensure gender sensitivity in approach and objectives
  • Develop the business cases into investment propositions and assist the DMG-Indonesia Wetlands International staff in the development of pitches to funders
Outputs: 3 bankable business models formulated in investment propositions and supported with background data.
  • Develop a business model for DMG-Indonesia to ensure the fund can reach its objectives and sustain its existence beyond 2019. Including options of grant funding from philanthropy or corporates, Micro-credit loans, development bank loans and impact investors
    • In accordance to the different scenarios of the upscaling ambition of the fund
    • Develop possibilities for mixed financing to lower financial risk for investors
    • Analyze possible funders and investors on the basis of criteria identified in the business model of DMG-Indonesia particularly Indonesia
Output: business model for DMG-Indonesia and set of possible funders

Address your application to admin@wetlands.or.id with subject letter Business Model Developer not later than 12 January 2019.

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