
SNV Netherlands Job Vacancy: Project Assistant - Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Projects, Jakarta

SNV Indonesia is looking for a: Project Assistant (National Staff)

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 30 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global teams of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

To support its operation, SNV Indonesia is currently seeking for highly qualified national candidate to fill in the position of Project Assistant for its WASH project.

SNV’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects

With an urbanization rate of 4.1% per year, by 2025 Indonesia will have 68% of its population living in cities (WB, 2017). This fast paced urbanization brings many human, environmental and economic opportunities but also substantial development challenges. Safely managed sanitation and hygiene is a critical one, to ensure health and prosperity for everyone, especially the urban poor.

In 2015, around 18 million urban people had no access to a toilet while 20 million more were resorting to unimproved sanitation facilities (JMP, 2015). With sewerage coverage existing in only 11 cities and 2% of city residents having no access to centralized sanitation systems, the vast majority of the urban population relies on on-site sanitation systems that are often sub-standard and/or inadequately managed (WSP, 2013). As a result, an estimated 95% of Indonesia’s wastewater is disposed untreated, and pathogens contaminate land and water sources, making faecal coliform from human waste the most excessive pollutant in Indonesian rivers, exceeding the recommended standards by a thousand-fold or more (WSP, 2013; FAO, 2011). Poor urban dwellers that rely the most on unsafe water sources for drinking, cooking and washing are blighted by the resulting water-borne diseases that keep them trapped in a seemingly unbreakable poverty cycle.

SNV sees safely managed sanitation and hygiene as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. Our WASH SDGs project is focused on achieving sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation and hygiene services and support the achievement of SDG 6.. To achieve this, SNV:
  • Works together with local authorities to create an appropriate enabling policy and regulatory environment for sanitation services at the local level
  • Develops financially viable and sustainable business models also with the private sector on the collection, transport, treatment, re-use and safe disposal of human waste
  • Works with communities to increase their awareness and engagement towards safe and affordable sanitation products and services
  • Guides the different stakeholders through a process of informed choice regarding technologies, finance strategies and service delivery models, in particular for low-income groups and slum residents.
The WASH SDGs programme will run from 2017 to 2022, and it will be supporting the cities of Bandar Lampung, Metro and Tasikmalaya to progress towards the WASH SDG 6, in line with Presidential decree 59/2017. Design and implementation are conducted in close partnership with the Ministries of Home Affairs, Public Works, Health, Education, Environment and Bappenas and in cooperation with national and local civil society organisations.

Support for KIAT projects
The Sanitation Socialisation and Hygiene Behaviors assignment is an 8 months intervention aiming to assist KIAT to increase willingness to connect to sewerage systems and to promote hygiene behaviors, namely hand washing with soap, menstrual hygiene management and handling of child faces in their targeted locations. It entails developing, testing and rolling out advocacy and communication materials targeting local government institutions and local communities in view of increased awareness and engagement towards sanitation and hygiene development

Purpose of the Job
The Project Assistant (PA) will work in a cross-cutting support role for the WASH SDGs and KIAT projects under the coordination of the Project Manager/team leader. The role entails administrative & financial management support responsibilities with contribution expected also on communication & visibility. Specific scope of work within the project is the following:
  • Ensure Project Management Administrative and Financial requirements in line with SNV’s financial and administrative guidelines (including supporting in procurement good and services, budgeting for activities and respective clearances, travel arrangements, advance and payment requests, time writing for consultants)
  • Provide logistical & general support to project delivery and documentation (including preparing meetings agendas, meeting minutes, support to the recruitment of consultants, project document folders, and financial information)
  • Oversee consistency and coherence with SNV, donor and partner visibility guidelines for all activities and products of the USHHD project
  • Assist with activities supporting advisors work 
Key Responsibilities
  • Guarantee full alignment of financial and administrative operations within the WASH SDGs and KIAT projects with SNV’s financial and administrative guidelines as per SAP by Design
  • Lead administrative and financial related communication between the Jakarta office and SNV’s main offices in the project locations 
  • Ensure project documentation in line with SNV’s Project Management reporting and accountability requirements
  • Provide timely and high quality response to logistical and general support requests from the WASH SDGs and KIAT project teama and SNV’s main office
  • Guarantee quality and compliance with visibility guidelines, including in the office space, in the documents published and in the public events/activities delivered 
  • Provide logistical support and local contextualization for project activities
Candidate Profile
  • University degree
  • Minimum 2 (two) years of relevant professional experiences, preferably in an International NGO
  • Knowledge in finance and administration procedures
  • Experience in organizing events/activities/trainings, including logistics and procurements
  • Very organized, results driven, structured work style skills
  • Ability to communicate with a different range of stakeholders and partners, including government counterparts and international partners and donors
  • Ability to document activities (both in writing and visually) in an organized, straightforward way
  • Knowledge in Sanitation issues is a plus
  • Native Bahasa Indonesia speaker with a good command of spoken and written English
  • Good computer skills (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Internet and Outlook)
Contract duration: 7 months with possibility of extension

Desired start date: January/ February 2019

Duty station: Jakarta with regular travelling to the WASH SDGs and KIAT project locations

How to apply
If you believe that your credentials meet the outlined profile, we invite you to apply by sending your CV and letter of motivation in English to jobsindonesia@snv.org before 7 January 2019 with subject “Project Assistant WASH”.