
Koperasi Serikat Pekerja Merdeka Indonesia Membuka Lowongan Gender Officer Penempatan di Makassar


INVESTCo-op Indonesia project

Assignment location: Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Contract: Full time (February 2019 – March 2020)
Language requirement: Bahasa Indonesia & English (verbal and written)
Salary range: IDR 7,000,000 – 10,000,000 (commensurate with qualifications)
Travel requirement: Regular visits to project sites (in Takalar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng, and North Luwu)

Koperasi Serikat Pekerja Merdeka Indonesia (Kospermindo) is partnering with theCo-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada) and the Fisheries and Marine Institute of the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (MI) to implement the INVEST Co-op Indonesia project in South Sulawesi. The project will introduce aquaculture practices that are resilient to climate change and increase quality and yield of production.

The project is working to increase the livelihood of women and men small producers of seaweed, milk fish, and shrimp in Takalar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng, and North Luwu through sustainable, profitable,and gender equitable co-operatives. The project is an integral part of the INVEST Co-op program implemented in four countries by the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada) with funding support from the Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

This effort aims to increase women’s leadership in their communities, enhance females’ collective and individual abilities tomake decisions, and improve the target population’s access to income-generating activities.  In this endeavour, Kospermindo is seeking experienced and energetic Gender Officer with practical experience in gender equality programming with an emphasis on empowering communities towards sustainable development results. The successful candidate will be part of a Project Management Unit implementing the INVEST Co-op Indonesia.

Reporting to the Project Coordinator, the successful Gender Officer candidate will demonstrate an understanding of gender-based inequalities, and will work to help project beneficiaries enjoy greater gender parity. The Gender Officer will provide support to a range of field activities and project management, reports, stakeholder engagement and communication, and monitoring of results according to project work plan and budget.

Job Descriptions:
Position: Gender Officer (full-time)
Reports to: Project Coordinator 
Key responsibilities will include:

  • Lead the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy for the project by, among others, incorporate gender equality interventions, promote gender equitable production and recognition of women’s work, promote gender capacity development for co-operatives and development of gender equitable policies and practices, and promote gender equitable organizational governance and memberships.
  • Monitor and report progress and results on gender responsive, gender specific, gender operational considerations, including men’s engagement.
  • Provide mentoring support and coaching to project team, particularly supporting the field coordinators to ensure the application of Gender Equality Strategies and use of appropriate gender assessment tools and reporting.
  • Conduct field visits to project locations to conduct training, collect data, and provide support to address challenges, and mitigate risks.
  • Build capacity of staff and partners in gender equality in the workplace and in co-operative development.
  • Liaise with local women’s rights and gender-focused organizations and sensitize project team and beneficiaries to the local support systems and resources available.
  • Provide support to CDF Gender Specialist, Canadian Volunteers, technical experts and consultants as required.

Jabatan: Gender Officer (Waktu penuh)
Bertanggung jawab kepada: Koordinator Proyek 

Tanggung jawab Utama meliputi:

  • Memimpin pelaksanaan Strategi Kesetaran Gender di proyek antara lain dengan memasukkan intervensi kesetaraan gender, mempromosikan  aktivitas produksi yang setara gender dan pengakuan terhadap pekerjaan  perempuan, mempromosikan pengembangan kapasitas gender untuk koperasi dan pengembangan  kebijakan dan praktik kesetaraan gender, dan mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dalam  tata kelola organisasi dan keanggotaan.
  • Memonitor dan melaporkan kemajuan dan hasil dari responsive gender, spesifik gender, kebijakan operational terkait gender termasuk keterlibatan laki-laki
  • Memberikan dukungan mentoring dan coaching untuk tim proyek, khususnya Koordinator Lapangan, untuk memastikan penerapan strategi kesetaraan gender dan penggunaan yang tepat dari tools penilaian gender dan pelaporan
  • Melakukan kunjungan rutin ke lokasi proyek untuk memantau kemajuan Pelaksanaan strategi keseteraan gender, tantangan yang dihadapi dan mitigasi risiko dalam pelaksanaannya.
  • Meningkatkan kapasitas staf dan mitra dalam kesetaraan jender di tempat kerja dan di dalam kegiatan pengembangan koperasi.
  • Menjalin komunikasi dengan organisasi perempuan di tingkat lokal dan membangun kepekaan tim proyek dan penerima manfaat terkait  sistem pendukung lokal dan ketersediaan sumber daya
  • Mendukung  tenaga ahli proyek ( Spesialis gender CDF, Volunter dari kanada dan konsultan local di setiap misi yang dilakukan.

  • Minimum five years of progressive professional experience in gender analysis and programming
  • Minimum Bachelor degree, preferablya Master’s degree, in gender studies, development, or a relative discipline.
  • Demonstrated experience working on projects promoting women’s empowerment.
  • Excellent communications skills in English both written and orally.
  • Proven track record and experience in implementing gender equality assessment and strategies in development projects, preferably international donor-funded projects
  • Experience in community empowerment that engage both men and women in the communities 
  • Good knowledge, skills, and experience in facilitating and delivering adult learning training, particularly in rural communities
  • Proven track record in team building and establish good communication and team work, including mentoring and coaching to promote and sensitize gender equality
  • Demonstrate ability in courteous communication (in English,Bahasa Indonesia, and local languages) with Partners, stakeholders, and communities
  • Demonstrate ability to manage complex and competing priorities,able to meet deadlines
  • Willingness and ability to travel to project locations for a certain period of time
  • Demonstrate integrity,trustworthiness, honesty, fairness, and professionalism.
Recruitment process:

Please submit in PDF format:
  • Your concise cover letter (max 2 pages) explaining how your qualifications can meet the required tasks;
  • Your most recent CV: please include experiences that are relevant to meet the job descriptions and qualifications
  • 1 page most recent writing sample in English.
And send by email to: herliani.invest@gmail.com, with the following subject line: “INVEST Co-op Indonesia: Gender Officer – [your last name]”.

Application should be received no later than January 20, 2019 at midnight local time(Makassar – GMT +8). Kospermindo encourages both men and women to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.