
IMPACT Initiatives Job Vacancy: REACH GIS Officer, Jakarta

Title: REACH GIS Officer
Supervisor: REACH Country Focal Point
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Contract duration: 6 months (renewable)
Starting Date: ASAP
IMPACT Initiatives is humanitarian think tank, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organization manages several initiatives, including the REACH Initiative. The IMPACT team comprises specialists in data collection, management and analysis, GIS and remote-sensing.
REACH was born in 2010 as a joint initiative of two INGOs (IMPACT Initiatives and ACTED) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH’s purpose is to promote and facilitate the development of information products that enhance the humanitarian community’s decision making and planning capacity for emergency, reconstruction and development contexts, supporting and working within the framework of the humanitarian reform process. REACH facilitates information management for aid actors through three complementary services: (a) need and situation assessments facilitated by REACH teams; (b) situation analysis using satellite imagery; (c) provision of related database and (web)-mapping facilities and expertise.
Following a magnitude 7.7 earthquake on 28 September 2018, large parts of Palu, the capital of Central Sulewezi Province on the Island of Sulewezi, was destroyed by flowslides and a tsunami. According to recent assessments, over 200,000 people were displaced into informal settlements, while an unknown number (estimated to be another 200,000) left the area to other cities on cargo planes, vehicles and boats. The remaining population are either living displaced outside of camps or are still living in their own homes.
Nearly a month after the earthquake, most of the population remains displaced. Only a few rapid assessments have been conducted, leaving significant information gaps for detailed, sector specific information that can inform programmatic decision making. Until now there is no data available concerning non-displaced and/or ‘hosted’ populations. This information gap risks to drive humanitarian actors to focus on settlements only and there is the risk that inequitable service delivery will attract people to informal settlements. In addition, rapid assessment data is very cursory, and do not provide detailed, household-level information on needs and vulnerabilities of the affected population.
Since end of September 2018, REACH has indirectly supported the humanitarian community through multi-sectorial assessment activities conducted by its rapid response team deployed to Indonesia, as well as through remote support from REACH HQ in Geneva. Assessment support has adopted a phased approach, including:
  • Phase 0 (done): Remote sensing and GIS analysis provided by REACH GIS experts in Geneva to estimate the scale and scope of the crisis. This included a set of maps on most severely affected areas, level of damage and distribution and locations of IDPs.
  • Phase 1 (ongoing): Production of a series of factsheets and/or maps based on secondary data collected from Key Informants (KI) at site level to show key indicators and allowing aid prioritization in the first weeks.
The above-mentioned activities aim at generating evidence in order to plan the initial phase of the response only. It is therefore “good enough” evidence in the immediate aftermath of the emergency, but would have limited use for strategic planning in the mid-term or recovery and reconstruction.
In order to empower the humanitarian system and national authorities in terms of response planning, REACH is now delivering comprehensive and integrated assessment and IM support, in order for the clusters to fulfil their key functions of strategic planning and response monitoring in an evidence-driven manner. REACH support aims at strengthening and consolidating the clusters’ own capacity to conduct monitoring and data analysis, while continuing to provide extra, rigorous, independent assessment capacity to meet the clusters’ information needs.
Under the supervision of the REACH Country focal point in Indonesia and of IMPACT’s HQ in Geneva, the REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for the management and implementation of REACH assessments, including their preparation, implementation and follow-up. He/she is also responsible for related logistics, partner coordination, reporting and finance requirements and will be required to provide input to the strategic development of REACH in country.
In his/her mission, the REACH Assessment Officer will be hosted by ACTED and will fall under the responsibility of ACTED’s Country Director and his/her delegates. S/he and will fully abide to ACTED’s Security, HR, Administration and Logistics rules and regulations.
GIS Activities
Preparation, conception and production of maps
  • Identify map information needs;
  • Identify and access map information sources;
  • Ensure accurate linkages between spatial databases and assessment data;
  • Ensures that the produced maps meet the requirements of REACH and concerned partners.
Supervision and monitoring of mapping related data collection
  • Conceptualize methodologies for collecting data in the field, as according to need;
  • Organize and supervise GIS field missions;
  • Monitor accuracy of data collected;
  • Cross check data collected in the field, ensure regular updates and solve eventual discrepancies.
Data Management and Analysis Activities
Supervision and monitoring of remote data collection
  • Monitor accuracy of data collected;
  • Cross check data collected in the field, ensure regular updates and solve eventual discrepancies;
  • Manage, update and deploy monthly questionnaire.
Data cleaning, management, and merging
  • Manage data received monthly from the team;
  • Maintain, update and expand R-based system of data management and analysis for data dissemination and reporting;
  • Maintain, update and expand R system from automated data analysis and map production for factsheets
  • Organize and expand the system to other REACH projects
Product production
  • Create and update monthly factsheets for areas of analysis;
  • Provide mapping support for supplementary products developed by the assessment team.
The REACH Assessment Officer will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to REACH or collected during his/her assignment with REACH.
  • Master degree in Geography/GIS or a related discipline;
  • 2 years of experience in GIS / Database management, preferably in humanitarian context;
  • Considerable experience analyzing complex data with R mandatory
  • Knowledge of other statistical programming languages and packages a plus;
  • Previous experience with mobile data collection (ODK, ONA, KOBO);
  • Knowledge of the Adobe Suite, particularly Illustrator and InDesign;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Familiarity with the aid system, and understanding of donor and governmental requirements;
  • Prior knowledge of the region an asset;
  • Fluency in English required;
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management Software;
  • High level of autonomy and willingness to spend time in deep field locations away from IMPACT/ ACTED support.
  • Salary defined by the IMPACT salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organization’s guesthouse/or housing allowance (depending on contract length and country of assignment)
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance + retirement package

Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to jobs@impact-initiatives.org

Ref: 18/IND/GISO01

Deadline for application: 15 Nov 2018

Please indicate the reference in the subject line of your email.