
Zoological Society London Indonesian Programme Job Consultation Services for Baseline, Palembang - South Sumatera

Zoological Society London Indonesian Programme (ZSL IP)
Consultation Services for Baseline

The Zoological Society of London is an international wildlife conservation organization with a focus on science-based and pragmatic solutions. ZSL has been active in Indonesia for about 10 years, with a particular focus on the overlap between industrial development and biodiversity conservation. ZSL Indonesia is based in Bogor, West Java, with existing field projects in Jambi and South Sumatera. Currently, we are Searching for:

Baseline Consultant

Terms and Condition
Start Date: September, 2018
Duration of Contract: 30 working days (Deliverables Based) 
Working Area: Palembang, South Sumatera.
Reporting to: Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

The UKCCU/NICFI Project works with the Government of South Sumatra, national and district level governments, communities and the private sector to facilitate and support the government, private sector and local communities, to establish and pilot the sustainable landscape management partnership approach in the Sembilang-Dangku landscape of South Sumatra. The proposed impact of this project is to achieve “Inclusive economic growth and community prosperity, biodiversity conservation, forest protection and restoration, and the ending of deforestation, peatland drainage and wildfires that reduces land-based Greenhouse Gas emissions”.

KELOLA Sendang project has run for two years. Base on the 3rd project meeting committee on May 19th2017 has advise Kelola Sendang project to revise the project’s theory of change, log frame and budget scenario for no cost extension up to March 2020.

For KELOLA Sendang project, the no cost extension from current date of March 2018 to end date March 2020 has provide more time to achieve targets with better quality of results. Thus, before the project implement in the field, Kelola Sendang must conduct a baseline survey to look current condition of project. The point which Kelola Sendang must identify to see current condition were stated in the Logical Framework NCE 2020. ZSL Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator responsible to provide the result of baseline with comprehensive information in a good shape of data and useful report for Kelola Sendang. The result will be reference and basis data to measure project performance during and after project interventions. Baseline survey and data entry process will lead by Team Leader with support by Team Member and Enumerator in Palembang office under supervise the M&E Coordinator.
Scope of Work 
  • To generate current condition data of landscape biophysical, biodiversity, and socioeconomic condition. 
  • To profile current natural resources management, policy and governance in term of institutional capacity, asset, to build partnership in sustainable management of Sembilang Dangku landscape.
  • To identify profile of key stakeholders that would be involved in the pilot model of sustainable management of Sembilang Dangku landscape.
  • The findings of the baseline will assist KELOLA Sendang Projects and its stakeholders to prioritize program and identify factors related to sustainable landscape management project in Sembilang-Dangku.
Thus, with all objectives above, the technically consultant expected to do some task as below:
  • Develop survey methodology and protocol, complete with the tool and survey strategy  
  • Coordinate with relevant key person in the field 
  • Lead a whole process of survey in the field 
  • Lead a whole process of data entry and analysis
  • Lead process of report writing
Main product: Baseline report

The baseline report document KS should consist of:
  • Condition of socioeconomic condition, including landscape biophysical, biodiversity data and information. 
  • Profile current natural resources management, policy and governance in term of institutional capacity, asset to build partnership in sustainable management of Sembilang Dangku landscape.
  • Profile of key stakeholders that would be involved in the pilot model of sustainable management of Sembilang Dangku landscape.
Recruitment Qualifications 
  • Master’s Degree in Forestry, Environmental would be most consideration, other relevant educational back ground in socioeconomic is welcome.
  • Proven experience in conducting project baseline or research addressing climate change vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation strategy for development rural communities, biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, community-based natural resource organization governance, development of alternative livelihoods to herding and farming. 
  • Excellent field research.
  • Excellent monitoring and evaluation skills.
  • Excellent written English and report writing skills.
Application procedures
Interested candidates shall submit the following documents: 
  • Cover Letter 
  • Technical proposal including the time line, CV, references of min. 2 relevant experiences 
  • Financial Proposal
  • Examples of directly relevant work with other organizations
The proposal shall submitted in English  to indonesia@zsl.org cc’d lydia.chandra@zsl.org by latest September 20, 2018 with placing the job title in the subject line Only short listed candidates will be notified. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.