
Plan International Indonesia Need Consultant for Fundraising Activities, Indonesian

Request For Proposal - Direct Marketing Agency (DMA) & CRM Database Developer (CDD).
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is a humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. In Indonesia, known as Yayasan Plan International Indonesia currently implementing its country strategic with the main objective is “strives to advance children’s rights and equality for girls”. To achieve its strategies, Yayasan Plan International Indonesia starting to raise fund locally through channels face to face fundraising activities. As such, we are calling an experience direct marketing and CRM database developer.
  1. Direct Marketing Agency ( DMA )
    Agency that have expertise on direct marketing or face to face fundraising to recruit individual donors.

    Scoope of work :
    Managing acquisition through face to face fundraising.
For more detail please go through this link : CLICK HERE
  1. CRM Database Developer ( CDD )
    Developer that have expertise in build and developed system that able to manage donor database, donor communication and all fundraising activity data

    Scoope of work :
    Build and developed system that able to store donor informations within the system, including contact informations, donation information, demography, interests, all communications made to the donors and ass responses received in all media. The goal for this CRM is to provide 360 degree view of donors to any authorised staff member. The system must be able to track all relevant data that will enable YPII to sustain and develop relationship with donors
For more detail please go through this link : CLICK HERE
Please send your proposal in enclosed envelope with subject code ( DMA or CDD ) above before 28 September 2018 :
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia
Gedung Menara Duta Lt. 2
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B9 Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 12910