
Zoological Society of London Job Consultant for KPH Meranti Business Plan - Palembang, South Sumatera

The Zoological Society of London is an international wildlife conservation organization with a focus on science-based and pragmatic solutions. ZSL has been active in Indonesia for about 10 years, with a particular focus on the overlap between industrial development and biodiversity conservation. ZSL Indonesia is based in Bogor, West Java, with existing field projects in Jambi and South Sumatera. Currently, we are Searching for Consultant for KPH Meranti Business Plan

Terms and Condition

Start Date: September, 2018
Duration of Contract: 4 Months 
Working Area: Palembang, South Sumatera. 
Reporting to: Conservation Manager

The UKCCU/NICFI Project works with the Government of South Sumatra, national and district level governments, communities and the private sector to facilitate and support the government, private sector and local communities, to establish and pilot the sustainable landscape management partnership approach in the Sembilang-Dangku landscape of South Sumatra. The proposed impact of this project is to achieve "Inclusive economic growth and community prosperity, biodiversity conservation, forest protection and restoration, and the ending of deforestation, peatland drainage and wildfires that reduces land-based Greenhouse Gas emissions".

KELOLA Sendang is working to improve the capacity of Kesatuan Pengelola Hutan/Forest Management Unit (KPH) both in human resource capacity and institutional capacity. The concept of KPH is an effort to reform the forest governance in Indonesia. KPH is expected to achieve sustainable forest management that is based on three principles: economic management, social management, and ecological management. Each principle must be aligned with each other in accordance with the specific condition and function of each KPH.

Each KPH is also expected to become financially independent by utilizing potential resources and commodities within its area. Since KPH is a governmental institution, it is required to form a separate management body, termed PPK-BLUD (Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan-Badan Layanan Umum Daerah), to manage the income/profit acquired from utilizing its resources. One of the prerequisites to form a PPK-BLUD is to have a business plan document.

Therefore, one form of KELOLA Sendang's support is the development of KPH business plan for KPH Meranti in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatera Province. KPH Meranti is a production forest management unit (KPHP). The proposed businesses for KPH Meranti should both be profit-oriented and environmentally sustainable in its practices. The form of businesses that will be developed in KPH Meranti can have various forms, from timber forest products and/or non-timber forest products to payment for environmental services.

To develop such plan for KPH Meranti, KELOLA Sendang is looking for experts. The appointed consultant should have previous experience in developing business plans, especially business plans of forest commodities and environmental services.

Scope of Work 
  • Collection of primary and secondary data of potential commodities within KPH Meranti 
  • Focus group discussion with key stakeholders to obtain inputs for KPH Meranti business plan development
  • Comparation Study of identified priority commodity
  • Analysis and Reporting of Business Plan Document
  • Socialization (Public Consultation) of Business Plan Document
Main Deliverable:
Business Plan Document for KPH Meranti 

The business plan document for KPH Meranti should consist of at least, but not limited to:
  • Identification of potential commodities and resources within KPH Meranti area that can be developed into business products 
  • Identification of market access, sources of funding/investment (such as: market segments, production costs, promotion costs, financial analysis, market analysis)
Other additional deliverables include: 
  • Activity report summarizing primary and secondary data collected 
  • Minutes of meeting and presentation slide of any internal coordination meetings
  • Draft 0 of business plan document
  • Activity report summarizing the data collected from comparation study
  • Draft 1 of business plan document (accommodating the data obtained from comparation study)
  • Minutes of meeting, presentation slides, documentation (photos or videos), list of attendees of Focus Group Discussion of Draft 1
  • Draft 2 of business plan document (accommodating inputs from FGD)
  • Minutes of meeting, presentation slides, documentation (photos or videos), list of attendees of Public Consultation of Draft 2
Recruitment Qualifications 
  • Extensive and proven experience Research Center, University or Consultant Firm with a long experience in developing forestry-related business plans for at least 5 years 
  • Supported by competent forestry-related business plans experts
  • High level of written and spoken English, and demonstrated skills reporting in English
  • Able to work according to schedule under field conditions
Application procedures 
Interested firms/institutions shall submit the following documents: 
  • Cover Letter 
  • Technical proposal including the time line, institutions profile with CV of team members, references of min. 2 relevant experiences
  • Financial Proposal
  • Examples of directly relevant work with other organizations
The proposal shall submitted in English to indonesia@zsl.org cc: lydia.chandra@zsl.org by latest August 31, 2018 with placing the job title in the subject line Only short listed candidates will be notified. Applications received after the deadline will not be