
UCP Roda Untuk Kemanusiaan Membuka Program Dana Hibah Tahun 2018 Untuk Wilayah Aceh

UCP Roda Untuk Kemanusiaan (UCPRUK) mission is to provide affordable, high quality adaptive wheelchair for people with disability with main goal to develop sustainable wheelchair service provision in Indonesia. UCPRUK strategy and objective includes: Develop networks of wheelchair service providers by providing Wheelchair Service Provision Training, Advocate for inclusion of adaptive wheelchairs and other assistive device into government health care and social protection program.
In regards to our project with Provincial Aceh for assessment and fitting of adaptive wheelchair, we would like to invite organization or/ individual to submit event services proposal in order to support the project implementation. The project activities will be held in Banda Aceh.
For further information please contact sannisa@ucpruk.org / 0274 5305846
Deadline for proposal submission Aug 31st 2018 at 5 PM, and please submit to galuh@ucpruk.org